Elvui not keeping settings

My Elvui is refusing to keep profile settings between characters. Example, I get it set for my Warlock, hop to my mage, set his up, hop back to my Warlock, it has changed everything to my mage settings. So I get it set back to my Warlock settings, hop to my Mage and it for some reason is now using my Warlock settings. Anyone else having this issue?

Your antivirus locking the files?

I’m not having this problem with Elvui, but a couple of my other addons are resetting their settings, on every character, every time I log out and back in. One I can think off the top of my head is Azeroth Pilot Reloaded. I had assumed they broke with the prepatch.

Well I had it working for a day or two where it was keeping settings properly, then yesterday after maintenance and the minor patch/hotfix or whatever it was that downloaded it’s back to doing it again.

Wish whoever is behind Elvui would just add a “save profile as” button lol.