Elves and Faction Fantasy

Either this or just let us be classified as void knights I guess. I’m sure Blizzard can figure it out.

I think this has become the new High Elf megathread. Well done, OP.

You know, I’m reminded of SWTOR’s class system. They had the right Idea I think.

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Except they’re on the same faction…


SWTOR had so many good ideas and that was one of them. I miss my sniper…

As long as male human paladins keep bumping it every 12 hours when it’s already past its expiration, yes.


So what? Whether they are in the same faction or not doesn’t change the fact that a Zandalari troll is more similar to an original troll than a helf is to a belf.

which makes about as much sense as me getting mad about night elves getting their new eyes. but yeah, at this point, they should just give belfs blue eyes to finally put an end to this discussion.

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I know, I suggest Night elf Paladins for various reasons and everyone fixates on the word Paladin. Not what it could mean for the race instead. “Oh you want Night elf paladins, let me guess they were taught the miracles of the Holy Light by Humans and thus completely abandoned their racial identity!”

NO what I meant was a group of night elves fighting for their goddess clad in arms and armor rather then praying to her in temples. Then I point at the Sunwalker Tauren that gets called out as a betrayal because “Tauren can’t be Holy Knights!” and that’s true, which is why they are Tribal holy warriors.

This whole thing has me just irritated now.

you mean, except zandalari have a unique model and are distinguishable from darkspear trolls at a glance?

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FYI, the Zandalari use the Night elf Skeleton, well the males do.

the skeleton, not the outward model
and many of the animations as well are different

so are we all just supposed to pretend like this isn’t one of the most objectively false posts of all time? :joy:


We need a Panda allied race that is just Pandas but the ability to give up pvp and talk to both factions. Lemme repair in org and use the AH in SW

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It’s called the ‘Turalyon Effect’

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Kul Tiran humans have different models too but they’re not a separate species or otherwise distinct from regular humans. Just like trolls vs Zandalari trolls.
If we got helfs maybe Blizz will give us a new model too.

I would like to clarify that this person does not represent most people who want High Elves :laughing:


Damnit yall both factions have had High Elves for years ever cast levitate on a Night Elf / Blood Elf?! C A S U A L S.

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How so? They are simply different tribes of trolls, no?

I keep reading this post as “Elvis and Faction Fantasy”. :man_dancing: