Elven Historical Chronicle RP Project

Greetings, fellow Wyrmrest roleplayers!

I'm happy to announce that the Second Edition of the Elven Historical Chronicle is now available, both OOC and IC!

The Chronicle is a comprehensive, In-Character accounting of elven history dating back all the way to the earliest known Kaldorei. The purpose of the Chronicle is to assemmble the various histories of the many different branches of elves, and knit them together in a way that helps to explain how the elves have come to the point they’re at.

It is a year-by-year account, much like the WoW Chronicle, but from an entirely in character perspective. It blends canon lore with the personal backstories of RP characters and their guilds, presenting a nice overlapping which does wonders to help illustrate how stunningly expansive the RP community’s efforts have been over the years.

Elven Historical Chronicle

The Chronicle has been an invaluable tool for me and others thus far to see where community stories intersect, and to help generate foundations for new connections between characters and players. Those included thus far have been sitting down for IC interviews where their character’s stories are shared, and recorded, and then adopted into the Chronicle.

For those unwilling or unable to wait for an interview spot, or would simply prefer not to sit for a series of interviews which can total an average of some fifteen hours, there’s an automated, “fill it out yourself” form here, though it is comprehensive and may take a bit.

It’s important to note that this isn’t, by any means, an attempt to enforce certain head-canons on people, but rather just a reference people can use if they’d like to. Since it’s an IC document, and available publicly in libraries/archives/bookstores in the world, anything that’s printed in it is fair game to reference.

If you’re looking to get in touch for any reason, please feel free to reach out via the discord contact below.



I just want to chime in on what an impressive undertaking this project must have been and how detailed everything looks. I haven’t even gone through and read it yet but it all looks spectacular.

Great work. I’ll give it a thorough read later.


Much appreciated! Definitely been a tiring year, but it’s something that’s been a total blast thus far.

So this is like a reference material for things publically known if others wanted to make use of it?

I have extensive backstory and headcanon for House Sangryn that I would be interested in adding to this project. So I am curious about this. Can we use both the form and IC interviews?

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This is correct; characters can find all three volumes of the Chronicle in libraries, archives, maybe even local bookstores that sell elven/historical literature (run with whatever fits). So anything inside those three volumes can be referenced ICly.

A lot of things that are unreasonable to know ICly are ommitted, or referred to as being purely hearsay or speculation (the Windrunner sisters meeting up after Legion, stuff about the Shadowlands, etc), so just about anything can be dismissed if it wouldn’t be reasonable for your character to believe it.


The form is 100% the most efficient way to get your stuff adopted into the next edition.

Interviews are also an option, though they are much more extensive. If you want to do the form, and then use an IC interview to fill in some gaps, that can work, but due to the number of people trying to get scheduled for interviews, it wouldn’t be a complete interview if you already did the form.


I have also gotten whole google docs with expansive/vast backstories for families, so that’s also an option if that’s easier.

Hey all! Now that we’re well into the 2024 calendar year, I’m digging in once again for a new slate of individuals and characters whose stories will be weaved into the ever expanding Chronicle.

The Third Edition is anticipated to be released in late summer, and I’m hoping to draw in more Sin’dorei, Kaldorei, and Shal’dorei to off-set the initial high volume of Quel’dorei after the allied race customization zoom.

If you have interest in having your elven character’s history, a elf-centric guild’s history, or an elven themed community/server event documented and preserved in the Chronicle, please feel to reach out on Discord or use the self directed form on the website to get started!

Discord: Silvertongue_scribe