Elunes Chosen for Guardian?

Historically, I’ve disliked the idea of galaxy bear. But (assuming we don’t get some kind of mini-rework) it will be the only choice. Claw Druid just doesn’t have the synergies.

Lets walk through this shall we

Massive attack: Just like Raze. Perfect synergy for the raze build

Fount of Strength: FR increases max health by 10% - last i checked, bears use this often

Dreadful Wound: Massive Attack adds in a 5% DR to all enemies hit. Check

Bestial Strength: 10% damage to Maul and Raze. I mean, that has absolutely no synergy with Maul or Raze that we use excessively, right?

Wildshape Mastery: will still.have to see how this one plays out in practice

Killing Strikes: Free Massive Attack every pull

Strike for the Heart: increased damage on our #1 rage generator and #1 filler

Aggravate Wounds: every button we push extends the duration of Dreadful Wounds which if youve forgotten is our exrta DR

Empowered Shapeshifting / Wildpower Surge: Increased damage on on Swipe and Mangle (used excessively) along with an extra magic damage reduction, or Mangle (again, see: used excessively) grants feline potential which plays back in with Wildshape mastery

Claw Rampage: All our physical abilities have a chance to make our next maul a Massive attack.

You’re right. I don’t see any synergy what so ever.

Haste will up the proc amount, so that talent will be meh until geared.


Since your opinion is actually worth hearing and you brought it up…

The fact that DotC is just Tooth and Claw the Hero Talents! feels like it is doubling up on the maul interactions. What do you think they are going to do to fix that overlap? I feel like my moonbear, which uses Maul/Raze alot, relies on those talents for Maul in the middle, yet those talents feel redudant to DotC.

Do you think they are going to work on bear spec tree, or just ship it and deal with it later?

I think they said in a blue post that they were switching gears to focus on tuning, so I doubt we’ll see any more changes. Outside of shaman, claw is probably the worst spec. I know it’s a bit early to gripe about tuning, but cat weaving isn’t worth the extra global right now. The entire tree is completely redundant with TnC.

Moon bear will be the only way to go for single target and aoe, and then your spec choice is going to be between extra leech and DR. :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: I expect we won’t be able to pick up raze and perhaps even lose RotS to play it. Just boring. Silver consecrate. You’ll likely still stack TnC, but being locked out of raze because all our galaxy stuff is in the bottom row is going to make the spec trip over itself.

The wild shape thing could be cool with some changes to the underlying kit, I said as much on the thread on the Druid forums. But as it stands now, bear will be back to just generally the worst tank for competitive content, the base playstyle is an anti pattern. Maybe if we got to use cool cat abilities, like BS or PW.

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Primal Wrath would have me excited about DotC.

And as far as the blue posts, I have had to have this argument on the Shaman forums enough I’m getting tired of it.

To quote myself…

So, no guarantee they rework other specs, but I don’t think it is out of the window just yet. From what they posted, we ARE getting DotC and EC, period.

Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.

Are you in the Beta actively testing what you just posted?

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Do you have to be in the beta to be able to read and comprehend?

Calm yourself Nancy. I was asking if your information was coming from experience or hypothetical because it is exactly the opposite of what I have been seen discussed elsewhere.

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I simply wrote out what the hero talents do.
They all interact with all of our physical abilities.
And the power shifting that everyone is worried about…doesn’t even have to be taken. It’s a choice talent

Elune’s Chosen works nicely, arcane buffed thrash is nice. Bit disappointing that it offers nothing new visually though (Balance has the same issue with this hero tree). It buffs existing skills, but nothing stands out as ‘Wow that’s an Elune’s Chosen Druid’ aside from picking already existing talents. At the very least would be nice to see the buffed skills get a bit of a visual boost.

I was really hoping for a blue/moon glow type thrash when you spec into arcane thrash but…it’s the same. Lunar Beam is pretty underwhelming visually as well.

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Agreed. A nice arcane visual for Thrash would really feel good. There is no chance anyone picks the other talent (Stellar Command), since it effectively buffs a very small % of a bear’s damage. Lunar Beam still does pitiful damage and the proc Fury of Elune isn’t up enough to be considered a huge portion of damage.

Some sort of visual feel should exist for being the chosen of Elune, Night Warrior lite maybe.

I messed around with it a bit today. It’s not what I was expecting. I assumed as you did that perhaps we could cast Starfire in bear form. Once I found out that was not the case I assumed we could maybe take convoke and boomie convoke like S1 Shadowlands. This was also not the case, as I discovered that I no longer had boomie form. Blizzard stole my boomie form! Flap was awesome, and I want it back.

Both bear trees (and arguably the Feral trees), play exactly as they do right now, with procs just happening and being consumed as you perform your normal rotation.

They are some of the least “heroic” or noticable hero trees there are.

Hunters and shammy stand with you. While warlocks summon raid boss as demons we BM hunter hets to summon more pets in our stable or summons a tiny shadow pets that you can hardly see

I was honestly so disappointed to see this, I love moonkin form :frowning:

Yeah :unamused:.

I like that we have two distinct builds for the available hero trees. There’s an obvious physical path and an obvious galaxy path. This seems fun, having multiple builds is always a plus.

I dislike that there are too many “required” talents. Instead of choosing “what kind of defense do I want?” And “what kind of damage profile do I want?” we end up choosing between “having defense” vs “having attacks”.

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It’s wonderful to play around, and Lunar Beam becomes a pretty cool CD that gets CDR. It makes your Thrash do Arcane damage which makes it get buffed more in the Arcane section of the tree, and it makes you seem pretty cool. You don’t use Starfire, no, you just use Moonfires/Thrashes and your normal stuff. Again, though, it is pretty cool of a talent setup for Guardian.

I still wish I could call down Full Moons like I could do in Torghast, though, with DoT ticks. Nonetheless, this is a pretty good thing to have for bear. I also wish they’d still fix Mastery scaling on bear so it isn’t as abysmal as it has been since Legion. Why can’t they just fix this? It’s literally a very easy and very simple fix to fix the ratio of the numerical value per point in Mastery, and it fixes this spec a lot because right now you don’t care so much for Mastery yet Mastery is the perfect secondary stat for progressing encounters as a bear.