Elune Rip Nerf...why?

Can we get it reverted or someone to look into this. Doesn’t make sense to have a 2 sec per tick bleed buffed by 1 sec per shred. It leads to ticks hitting or missing. This is the only dot/bleed to my knowledge that has anything like this. Don’t quite understand why this is getting nerfed when ferals on PTR are 7th best dps spec overall, that was before the nerf. If anything you all need to fix our T2 set bonus for 4 and 6 pc because it is not that great.

Might have to do with the interaction of the 6 piece. Which in my opinion is clumsy and awkward. Half of the time I can’t even refresh rip when I want to.

6PT2 isn’t the strongest option at the moment. They seem to want to make FB actually good. 6PT1 made it reasonable to use. The new idol getting rid of the extra energy then adding FB to 6PT2 it seems they’d like us to use FB in our rotation. If they want us to use FB they need to make it reasonable like 6PT1 or buff it beyond what is on 6PT2.