Elune expansion possibility and speculation

Just a random thought I had.

The whole “Vengeance or Renewal” thing was also stupid to me. But I don’t think I could rightly articulate why until recently. I would always talk about vengeance and its relationship with justice, and I would talk about what the Kaldorei deserve, but I think there is a better way to frame it.

As I said above, the Night Warrior was about the Kaldorei reclaiming power and purpose after it is taken from them by Sylvanas with the Burning of Teldrassil. I mean, the Terror of Darkshore cinematic actually made me emotional when I first saw it, because it is really the only time in WoW where the Kaldorei are presented in a powerful and scary way. And that is really important for the Kaldorei as a whole… I mean, their whole thing savage amazons, the “perfect warriors” according to Grom Hellscream. The whole appeal of playing a Kaldorei is the duality of barbarism of civility. Tranquil forests, Temples of monolithic marble. Women, muscular and scarred from battle, dressed in elegant, moonlit white gowns with fangs and a steely gaze like that of a Lioness, blood soaking her claws and the scent of wine lingering on her lips.

The “Renewal” of the Kaldorei involves a reclamation of power. I don’t necessarily mean in the sense of armies or hero power levels.

What I mean to say that “renewal” for the Kaldorei is impossible when the one who took everything from them can do so with impunity. Vengeance, in this case, is fundamental to the reclamation of Kaldorei power and thus fundamental to Kaldorei renewal.

The Night Warrior should have never been a tradeoff. The Night Warrior should have never been presented as if it were a bad thing.

After facing tragedy and trauma… finding power and purpose is fundamental for survival. And really… the only suitable end for Shadowlands is Tyrande killing Sylvanas. Sending her to be with Nathanos.