Elune Alliance Reconnections

I remember farrow

Mart, Silent, and whomever else is looking for old Poison Arrow players: With the queue on Pagle, we did a backup rolling on Old Blanchy, and looks like we might stick there since we can actually get in. I believe we went and formed last night.

Hope to see ya soon!

did you post the discord information or let us know what server everyone is on?

Choocher - Human Pally - Honors Destiny.

Looking for Na, Pahly, Stradimus, Barada, Vitreous.

Hiya Cruel - Choocher here. Pahly and I used to do 45 min baron runs on non-raid nights (I got the server first baron’s mount). Daryss was my first pally class leader.

I remember some serious WSG and AB shenanigans with you.

Haha holy sh1t yah I remember playing with you. Been a while. Decide onna server?

Yeah! I’m on Atiesh - rolled a dwarf pally named…Choocher!

I have some of the crew back in, and a few RL friends.

How about you?

BRRRIIIIIDDDD <333 how you doin?! long time no see!

I think so, yes :smiley: good to see you again!

Sup Trick.

Jeger-Elune and Madarb-Elune here.

Jëger raided with Heroic Might and then Better Part of Valor.

I think on Madarb I was just PvP nutty and I couldn’t remember what guild I was in, but I spent some time in TBC playing in… Burnination?

Man that was a long time ago. Currently raiding on Mal’ganis, nice change of pace after a 10 year break!

Totally remember I think most of those names. What guild was that?

Hey, I remember both of you. Aedict from I Fate I. One of those crazy ret pallys… After vanilla I mained a NE Warrior until Wrath. Took a break and came back for a little BFA. See what happens in the future. Busy with kids etc.

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YO Whats up Cruelint

Hi Elune!. its been like what, 15 years! I hope all here is well. Now that classic is out, I’m hoping to reconnect to some old guildies and mates here. This is gonna be long but incredibly detailed so if anyone recognizes any of these toons and names, please let me know! (Message me in game or here!)

I played Medussa (PvP based Alliance Grand Marshal Human Warlock) way back in 2004-2006. My toon attained the highest PvP rank back then and always on queue for battlegrounds. I’ve met many wonderful people online here both PvP and PvE. (2 total solid classic guilds for me so far: ‘Lords of Valor’ - my very first WOW guild (I hope some of you guys are still around!) and then ‘Celestial Vanguard’, my final classic guild which is one of the top PvE guilds on the server back then along with AV (Altera Vita) and JC (Just Crusade).

Some CV members you guys might recognize are our Guild leader Kariakas, Kalgalath, Cydd, Kornax, Hanzeal, Negralma, Nasairo, Artemism, etc. My memory is quite spotty but hey, its been almost a decade and a half!

Outside from my main guild Celestial Vanguard, Here are the toons I could remember playing with on dungeons (or against on Battlegrounds WSG, AV and AB and world PvP like tarren mill, barrens and south hill) back then both on the horde side and alliance.

Alliance: Europe, Zinfandel, Xanadu, Healme, Negralma, Psy,
Horde: Kiro, Darklost, Heartfailure, Nekrim

As of now, I just got back from a long WOW hiatus and I still play along with some Celestial Vanguard old guildies like Cydd and Kornax, but we transferred to horde at Area 52 Server (Accidental Excellence is the new horde guild). We have a discord voice server and still do some BfA raiding keystone over there (Although I rather PvP since the group finder is 24/7 accessible) CV, The original alliance guild itself is still at Elune but only a few of us left there with active toons.

I have 8 toons at retail right now, (2 main below) and I also just created another 2 for classic. (also below)

Retail Alliance: Elune Server
Human Mage (Venuze) MAIN
Human Paladin (Venuz)
NE Druid (Venuzu)
Drainei Shaman (Venuru)

Retail Horde: Area 52 Server
Blood Elf Rogue (Venuri) MAIN
Blood Elf Warlock (Venuza)
Blood Elf DK (Venuzo)
Blood Elf Priest (Venuzi)

Benediction Server (Venuza Undead Warlock) MAIN
Herod Server (Venuro Undead Rogue)

I hope some of these names jogs someone’s memory over here. Lets reconnect guys and happy nostalgic gaming to all! Cheers!

I remember you! Medussa PvP warlock here. Good to see youre still around!

I remember fizzle. I think I roll with some BGs or dungeons with him way back with my lock. Good times!

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Hey all, I played a Night Elf druid named Ashkent as my main.
I played from 2004 to 2005 I believe.

I also played as:
Warrior named Havelocke
Mage named Eskarina
Hunter named Murune

Unfortunately I can’t remember what guild I was in (been in several in other MMOs over the years). Silver Oak Guardians sounds familiar but not sure I was in it.
I also can’t remember any other guild mate’s names. I have bad memory, especially with names. If anyone remembers me, say hi!

Thinking about trying out WoW Classic and would like to have fun people to play with.

Note This gnome warlock must have been some character I made in a free trial later on. I had to use him to be able to post here as I don’t have an active account.

Your name (Laine) and guild (Silver Oak Guardians) sound familiar. Did we play in the same guild together? I played as Ashkent, a night elf druid.

I remember Medusa and Fax snd Europe.

We did a few all rogue BGs with Europe and Bane and Ara. Was a good time

I remember Negralma. Haven’t heard from them since just before BC hit, though. Good luck!