Elune Alliance Reconnections

I remember someone named Murune, though my memory is also a bit fuzzy.
I was in Silver Oak Guardians and, later, Angels of Devastation.

  • Rafael (NE rogue)
  • Beowuulf (human warrior)
  • Garfield (NE druid)

SOG has a Classic guild on Mankrik headed-up by Nizaril.

Hi Tsunande, long time no see! Have you found anyone else from UOoV? I’m hoping Inowar and the gang are back.

Mitsuragi - NELF - Warrior - United Order of Virtue

Cool, I got Moggy and Moguta on Pagle now. I heard Aegis Doxa is playing on Fairbanks (PvP server) as horde.

UOV broke up a long time ago. Some went to Conspiracy and Subtlety, most of the rest went to Aegis Doxa. Haven’t run into Inowar yet.

I kinda remember you too! Good times indeed.

Playing retail and classic right now horde with some of the old Elune CV crew on a new classic guild ‘Lets Get This Bread’. We are at Benediction server, started leveling a new undead lock name is Venuza.

Here’s to hoping my boys Gromlid & Thandros will be back around.

Hi all, Stan/Laine again. Okay so this is my new character on classic, Shammer the amazing shaman on Stalagg.

I had forgotten about this, but you can look up some historic character information by doing a quick internet search for “wow guild history”

I forgot guilds Laine and Stan were in, like Phoenix Fire, Technical Difficulties, DRAGON SLAYER, unguilded, Tyrannys End, and Razor. And my non public figure 60 alts were both in guilds I can’t even remember at all existing except InvalidTarget which my priest raided BWL with.

That means I forgot more guilds I was in than I remember being in.

Phoenix Fire sounds familiar to me too. I do remember being in a guild with Phoenix in the name but not sure if it was in WoW.

Edit: This Baalfen who posted earlier. I bought a sub to play classic and activated my original character which is the one used here.

There was also a Phoenix Fury if I recall correctly.

I should have remembered Phoenix Fire sooner. The guild leader Wrayth was a friend and was also hated by Bane, self promoted as Elune’s Most Angriest Rogue. For those that don’t know: Bane used to guild hop just to get screenshots of being in guilds. The worst/best one was him in Phoenix Fire with both Wrayth and Laine at the same time. This taking place was considered something that would never happen under any circumstances, ever. But, it did as a joke.

Hey Mitsu, definitely been a while! I have not talked to Ino since vanilla, Tok kind of said no to coming back, but I told him I need my beer priest! So we’ll see.

Hey Nocha…ended up on Benediction…horde side. Still 100% queue-less whether during the middle of the day or primetime.

Could never even get into Stalag other than to initially reserve names. We have a guild named < Chaotic Evil > consisting of mostly folks I know from our retail guild and a few other friends. The plan is leveling casually doing some dungeons and pvp along the way. Raiding…who knows but we have a few people on at least every night doing stuff. Hit me up if you want to hang!


Hi Cruelint…sup buddy. You gotta be like what…15 now? :slight_smile:

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weren’t you the ninja looter laine? haha

Hey Bruin long time no see! If you get the group back together and pick a server let me know. I kept in contact with Qqreen for a very long time but lost contact information a few years back now.

Human paladin Carunce |Salvation|

Shedari - NE rogue. Let’s see… Vanilla was my tiny guild Game Over, then we were absorbed by Just Crusade for some of MC, then I spent the rest of my time in Altera Vita/e. Recognize several names here including the infamous Laine. :wink:

I don’t play WOW anymore but reactivated to check out classic with some fellow classics. Can’t wait to collect that +dagger gear.

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The White Company! I know that guild! I literally grew up in it, I played a night elf druid named Rahnah, and my mom and dad played a human warlock (Dragnfly), and human paladin (Opusknecht) respectively. My brother also played, he was a human rogue named Tent.

I believe i remember your druid, Fishboy. That name sounds very familiar :slight_smile:

Hi Alathis, I was also in HM for a hot minute as Brusana. I also happen to be rolling Horde on Herod. Hit me up in game sometime.

Edit: I’m Brusana on Herod as well.

Very much so, old chum. Still got some of your TWC buddies rolling with us, too. Though mostly on Facebook these days. Come back to us!

Character Name = Oeme
Character Class = Hunter
Character Race = Dwarf
Guild = Order of the Chicken

Where did you guys end up at? I ended up with some friends on horde(scum) side Incendius(sp?)

Hey Folks,

Formerly Somnambulist / Druid and Somna / Warrior from Failure here again. Half of our current horde guild from Thrall, Guaranteed to Bleed, went alliance on Pagle and have managed to group with a lot of former Elune folks from:

  • Altera Vita
  • Failure
  • Heroic Might
  • Ruin

If you raided with us feel free to ping someone in, “Some Like it Hard,” and let us know who you are and we’ll send you an invite.