Elitists are quitting, leaving the casual in a game they didn't want

I do not like to do dungeons except the ones I can solo. I do not like raids except the ones I can do solo. I play alone. I like to quest and figure out stuff. Nothing much left to figure out though as everything is super easy. I am on the fence as to whether I stay or go. I am enjoying EQ2. Graphics can not match WoW for beauty but it is a bit more fun to play.

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LMAO classic quote after EVERY expansion. “9.0 is gonna make or break the game.”, “8.0 is gonna make or break the game.” “3.0 is gonna make or break the game.”

Game is still here. People cried all expansion about hating it just like they did last expansion, the expansion before. Heck, people cried during MoP on how much they hate it yet now they wish they were back in it.

WoW is and will be fine 10.0, 11.0, 12.0 etc.

Casual player here. Perfectly happy with the game as is. As for youtubers defining casual, nope. Casual players are people that play the game to have fun without any commitments. To a casual player, a game is just a fun thing to do when they feel like doing it. To a hardcore player, it is one of life’s accomplishments and provides feeling of self worth. Hardcore players are often expected to help a team or guild of people progress through a series of ranks. There are plenty of people that fall somewhere in between. Casuals can help guildies but have zero commitment to do so.

I rarely post or even look at the forums but, I agree. Dailies now give me Valor tokens which are pointless for gear progression if you do not run dungeons or raids. From what I understand the gear levels are as follows. So yes most of us are in level 6.

  1. Indoor Raider Gear
  2. Indoor Door Mythic Gear
  3. Outdoor Raider Gear
  4. PvP Gear
  5. Reputation Gear
  6. Quest Gear

Yes, exactly.

I used game enhancement devices on all my games growing up and sank hundreds of hours into most of them. I have always hated challenges. Challenges make me quit. Story and feeling powerful are what keep me playing.

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Good thing the Challenges are optional then.
No challenges makes me, well not even quit because I would start playing in the first place of there were no challenge to do. Hence the new world flop.

I agree for the most part. I disagree when it comes to overtuned World Quests.

I’m still salty about that Revendreth WQ, but to Blizzard’s credit, they have tuned it properly now and it is no longer hard/impossible to complete.

Well, if they are and they are using that for their excuse then, okay that’s on them if they quit they quit, just like anyone else .
I don’t know, if casuals really effect their mindset that much, maybe it’s time for them to go.

I’d just rather honestly play the game as I like and have fun while doing it.

I have a 190 ilvl dk with gear from the AH because I couldn’t be bothered maining korthia stuff to him who does fine in korthia. If you are struggling with a quest though try grouping up with people like we used to do.

Yea you wont able to pull an entire camp and drop a nuke on thier heads but that’s because your character isn’t the giga Chad killer of the banshee queen that other people’s characters are if they put the time/effort I to doing so so that’s fair enough.

No one is grouping for content in Korthia this late in the expansion.

I did the other day to help a friend out :man_shrugging:.

Pull mobs and at a time and you can solo everything anyway though.

If you still need to group to kill normal mobs then make a group. If it’s a common problem others such as yourself will be glad someone make a group and join it :man_shrugging:

There are group WQs that I use group finder to do. That isn’t a problem.

This was a SOLO world quest that had elites you used an item on to weaken, and they were no problem. You also had to kill non-elite trash mobs, but they were the problem. They were tuned like elites, but they were not elite so the item didn’t work on them, and they traveled exclusively in groups of 3-5 enemies that would straight up slaughter you before you could get more than one of them down.

Blizzard heard the many complaints about this and fixed that particular world quest, as it was supposed to be a soloable one.

OK then what’s the problem here? Blizzard got tuning wrong and fixed it? Happens in all levels of content on a regular basis.

Is your complaint that they took too long to do so?

I believe there are rift farm group happening in kortia. But yea for people who pretty much solo in kortia. Ping map say X rare here. Wait 1-2 mins and you’ll have a horde of players on top of each other killing the said rare

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Yeah, basically. I don’t really have a complaint, I’m just salty over how many times I tried to do it before it got fixed.

OK well then yea I wish they patched things faster too. Kinda silly that after months there is still a “cleaver use of game mechanics” to pull things through walls across entire maps with a monk etc.

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Might be that elitist are quitting because they built a game the casuals want. Which would mirror real world socialism and communism where the system chases out ( or kills ) the competent and makes everyone equal by equality in misery.

More likely, everyone is quitting because the they’ve added too much grind and time gating to compensate for long patch cycles and this hits the hardcore player disproportionately because they have a longer task list of must do things to be competitive.

More like 95%

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