Elitism, my you’ve grown

I do agree that the PVP community is for the most part, just awful but I also agree that the rage whispers are just the best.

One of the only reasons I’m still playing is how often we can just ruin someone’s night in twos as holy pally/frost mage- you know it’s awesome when they are whispering you in the middle of the match :slight_smile:

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when did I say any of that? your posts talk for themselves lol

“if you’re not good, you’re bad. and if you’re bad you deserve to be treated like scum”

LMAOOO you don’t even have to point these type of people out, they do it themselves


When has being bad ever been a good thing?

If you think its ok to be bad then you seem to be blizzards current target audience where there is no losers only winners.

Aka casual scum, aka the carebear club.

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Yes because it’s completely black and white and not subjective at all. You’re either bad or you’re not and no one can be in between because learning and improving in PvP is not possible, and not wanting to be treated poorly by your own team to accomplish the same goal in a video game makes you a carebear. I’m sure you que with 2700+ players all the time because you don’t fall in to the “bad” category :rofl: imagine thinking like this in your every day life. Sheesh lmao

how’s that saying go? everyone knows at least one toxic person and if you don’t you’re that person :joy:


Thank you.

I try to avoid this by only playing with people within the same bracket as me, except for well… RBGs because who even cares about that bracket. If I don’t mesh with someone in arena I just try to tell them that I don’t think they have a great understanding of how the comp works and part ways. I suppose I could lie and make up an excuse, but I’ve had lots of Hpals in 2s just randomly dropping stuns during infernal while havoc is out, or the target is out of LOS for me, etc, etc.

Since the vast majority of players in LFG will never even consider comms for 2v2 I don’t expect everything to go perfect. If I see such egregious errors though I don’t want to continue to play with these people even if we are skirting out a few wins. It’s just not worth the frustration, especially when you play a spec like destro that at its core is a frustrating spec.

With that being said I’ve played with countless people in the LFG system that I’ve had good experiences with. It’s literally the only way I’ve added people to BTag and found people to queue with.

I’m glad someone made this post, though it’ll do nothing to help it, it’s nice to know others recognize it.

I always wondered how these people are in real life; giving their game achievements so much weight on their character. Do they walk down the aisle in Walmart and tell casuals to get out of their way or act like some thug and hold their head high because they know on the inside, they’re a gladiator in WoW? Haha. Just random thoughts I have.

Granted it’s important to have thick skin in my opinion and not let these people get to you, it is noteworthy how “toxic” people over the internet can be in general. Everyone is a tough guy across the internet.

People treat many facets of military life the way these guys do arena rating as well, fun fact. Elitism is everywhere unfortunately.


There’s another facet to this that I think is overlooked in a lot of these threads.

Anyone is free to start a group, but a lot of people never start a group and instead just look for groups to join. One of the reasons for that is they don’t want the role of “group leader” for whatever reason. And there are some responsibilities that go with being the group leader, the main one being choosing partners and perhaps vetting them in some way to try and get a good experience.

I’m all for free ball pugging, I’ve done it for years, taking who ever and getting it done. But the higher level the content the more risk there is of failure and the more someone might want to ensure that they don’t get “a scrub” that bombs their rating or wipes the raid or whatever.

I get why WoW doesn’t let you advertise your achievements in a fully comprehensive way. They could but the community would ram that system up every casuals posterior so hard they would never return. So they give you a few bits and pieces and force you to socialise and communicate a bit to get the rest, which is healthier. Communication brings the opportunity for empathy and understanding beyond your 2k achievement.

Anyway, I guess my point is, start groups and lead them they way you think groups should be lead. Be the change. Otherwise you’re just acquiescing to the elite and it will never change. Invite me even though I don’t have a 2k achievement :stuck_out_tongue: Jokes, but it takes actions like that build a better community. Small kindnesses, forgiveness, persistence through adverse groups culminating in a mutual understanding that was opaque before you got to know these new people and work together. Life stuff. It works in game too.


why would i invite anyone under 2k?

Invite whoever you want, it’s your group.

Why do people say this? LFG has good players you know? And if they’re linking experience that you yourself are asking for and getting recent achievements you should do fine??? You’ve been humble bragging that 2.3 for like 2 months man, you ever gonna get above it? Jeez.

I hit 2475 last night with an rdruid in LFG.

here ill give you the “elitist” pov since you seem to want it… if you are complaining about a class being broken. and you are 2k max since 2009 with 1k games played per season. X class isnt the reason you are walled at 1800.

this is false. “glad” right now is 1k cr lower than r1, so id say its more comparable to 1800-1900 in legion.

ive literally never seen someone just looking for partners and get replies telling them they suck… literally not once have i seen someone be attacked for making a “lf partners” thread unless its something along the lines of “2k exp blood dk lf 2k+ experienced players ONLY dont be an IDIOT” in which case people are gonna respond with “relax kid ur a 2k max exp blood dk with 800 games played at 1600 cr” etc.

how do you know this? like how do you account for an unaccounted for group of people.

kinda does tbh. doesnt mean its not toxic to say it, but if a 3500 player says ur bad well bud he might be on to something.

sounds like ur mind is very selective in a negative way. i see lots of helpful and toxic people. more that are helpful really. i think you just skim past the helpful stuff and stop and read the toxic stuff and get really offended.

if people talking sh!t on the internet hurts you that bad that its ruining anything for you idk what to tell you. get some thicker skin

This is interesting because I was always around 1700-1900 each season and I remember back in burning crusade, if you even broke 1800 you were a hoss and everyone wanted to play with you lol. If you broke 2k you were like a legend on the server lolol. These days people are like “shutup kid, you’re just 2k”. The funniest thing is, I’m still at the same ratings. These dudes are making 3+k rating and they are straight up telling you, you suck if you are at a rival rating lolol.

Please explain how obtaining R1 during those seasons is any different from obtaining it in any other expansion. You still had abilities to play around the same way you do each expansion. The only pass I’d say is Legion if you hit R1 in legion oof I definitely wouldn’t be using that as a crutch to discredit anyone.

Yeah i’m not quite sure, I feel like it is at it’s highest with players around the 2.2 - 2.4k mark because this is where players have a pretty good understanding of the game, but still make a lot of mistakes and think they are better than they actually are. Maybe I haven’t played with enough players at higher rating yet (2.6 - 2.7), but from my experience so far players are more reflective on their own mistakes and aren’t as toxic. Also I think it seems like the community is more toxic than it actually is because the toxic people are the loudest, you don’t see the polite people because they just do them, and aren’t as vocal.

This happens a lot in PUGS for mythic+ too. If you are tanking and make a minor mistake or take an unconventional route people go like “WTF R U DOING?”, “OH GOD, THIS TANK”, and usually leave the game. It doesn’t matter if you were still gonna finish the dungeon in time, some people just have $#!/ in their heads.

So my advice is, get friends, join a guild or whatever and start from zero building a nice friendship with people that aren’t toxic. If you want to be competitive maybe this will be a little harder (finding someone cool and good, can be hard I guess), but who knows maybe there is someone there outside waiting for you.

I would argue that the average player was not nearly as good or informed back in TBC/WOTLK. Arena was still pretty new back then - things that only good players knew about back then are commonplace at 1500 rating now…cross cc, juking interrupts, etc.

Every other game my opponent has an arena master title lol, and that’s in 1700+. We are all washed up old dudes with jobs and wives!