Elite rewards from great vault in pre patch?

Just wanna ask before I actually try to grind out the honor for all 3 slots, if you have elite rating from s4 still will your great vault rewards also still be elite even though the season is technically over? You are still getting wins at elite so idk how it works with the vault. Haven’t done any pvp yet this week so just wondering.

Bumping on an Alt this is serious man does anyone know the answer to this? Someone out here has to have at least one slot in their vault filled out who’s at or above 2400. Does it say elite?? Thank you if u answer

Dude did u not get a piece of gear that doesnt belong to you, wasnt designed by you, and either gets vendored or vaulted in 3 weeks anyways

U need to call blizz before they remove the pvp vault

what are you even talking about? I’d rather have no answers than a useless answer by someone who is trying to be superior lmao. It was a very simple question, who the gear is designed by doesnt matter thats extremely dumb to even say. Nothing belongs to anyone in this game, but I have been 2400 (was 2400 before the patch too) and am just asking about elite pieces in the vault, very simple.

everything I said was true even though it was probably laid on a little too thick for 10 AM EST

report it if you really want to but with the expansion out in weeks, PvP is losing it’s vault category, assuming you know that, also assuming that piece means nothing in 3 weeks because it will be statistically inferior to your 1st green

yea buddy ur not elite

mom says I’m beautiful

It doesnt matter if its true or not lmao, the point is nothing you said was relevant at all. You laid it on thick while answering absolutely nothing so it wasn’t even worth reading it. Appreciate the attempt though.

And it is not about the piece of gear in terms of ilvl, you can catalyze an elite piece from the vault to get an elite piece from whatever season your class voted on, so I was going to do this on alts I am 2400 on that I did not play in s1/s2. All I asked was if the rewards in the vault say elite or not, very simple question and the answer should also be quite simple.

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it is simple and in 2 paragraphs you didn’t get it

let me help

it doesn’t matter

Bro there is no way you waste your time answering questions like this lmao. Nobody asked you if you think it matters or not. Clearly you are incapable of answering the question, moving on.