Elite Liquid Raider: Harder Raid Entry Filters Weak Players

Wildstar did that. Wildstar catered to the ELITE GAMERS.

Guess what happened? Game shut down because there weren’t enough ELITE GAMERS to support it.

Blizzard is in the business of making money. There are more casuals forking over $15 than this world first raider.


I think if Blizzard were going to be that dumb they already would have listened to people whining that LFR should be removed because it is not real raiding.

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I think they learned that lesson hard in WoD when they gave LFR it’s own separate gear. Still I can’t help but feel that some people still haven’t learned their lesson from that and need a round two.

I agree that it would probably take the game shutting down (if even then) to convince people, but I would rather just let the angry toddlers shake their fist rather than acknowledge them.

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This is some high-tier bait, right? Nobody actually thinks this way, right? Lol.


Making the entry harder will give rise to an even higher demand for boosting.

GDKP epidemic in classic for example.


No one that has any ability to reason would. I don’t know this person, but if he isn’t trolling then he is an idiot.

Its what plants crave. Its got electrolytes.

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Lol. How to say “I have no real friends and my family all hates me” without saying it.

This dude’s take is bad and listening to him would be a surefire way to halve the player base, again. Like seriously, what Blizzard needs to do is the opposite of everything this guy is saying, because the reason why WoW got popular was because they REMOVED barriers to entry and made what was considered the “hardcore” genre in gaming accessible to everyone.

Like, the original rule the old Blizzard team had when designing the game was “Even Grandma should be able to do it!”.

Obviously raid carry sales must be slumping.
When the race and hype dies down I’m sure their income drops. They sell carries for real $$ to supplement.
Between community policy changes and 9.2 being a bit of a dud their income is hurting.
Simple solution? Make WoW harder so people pony up cash for carries!

Pure speculation, but we all know the WF guilds are part of the RMT scene.

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Awful take but I kinda think Thd might also be trolling so.

Plus skinwalker posted it so it’s probably just a troll tweet.

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He is an idiot because it wouldn’t result in people buying carries. It would result in Blizzard just making fewer/crappy raids.

The whole dang reason they added LFR in the first place because spending the money for content only a small percentage saw wasn’t justifiable. Why he would think it would be different now is a mystery.

You have a point with the Skinwalker thing.

Content should be accessible.
Mythic can be sweaty, make normal raid easy.


Yeah LFR was made to justify the man hours to develop raids.
It actually is what got me back into the game during Cata when I was barely touching anything content wise and had let my sub lapse for about half the expansion.

I just wanted to lean into the troll post a bit :slightly_smiling_face:


You didn’t read the tweet right. It says nothing about toning down gear from world quests. The opposite is said as bfa/legion has wf/tf and ap grinds making daily content reward player power. This was the barrier to entry to raiding, you had to farm on daily basis

If anything, raids should get less development time. They’re done by less than 20% of playerbase, and at least half the development goes into raids.

Cut trash out, put in few bosses.

20% do Mythic. SUBSTANTIALLY more do some form of the raid.


20% of playerbase does mythic? Lol no, 20% total raiders. Mythic like 5% max.

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