Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

People were asking for a race that was already available. It was a statement of where it was.

You also mistake the people who want high elves with the playerbase, as you act like a dev saying “This race already exists on the horde” was an attack on players. When in fact it was appreciated while it lasted as a dev showing their respect to other players who valued unique races and similar.

No it wasn’t.

Is it? Or do we just not think that the alliance has elf friends is justification enough for a duplicate race?

Yeah, I’m just stuck with all these people who are so worked up about story options when they seem to hate the actual story of the game so much.


kalec is kinda ugly but his voice actor is top notch. he sounds like anduin’s voice actor.


That’s me, especially when they are like Blood Elves aren’t the High Elves when our whole lore is the High Elf lore, our race page says we are the High Elves and everything goes back to we are the High Elves with name changed to Blood Elves but that’s it and I’m like okay so you don’t like that Blood Elves are High Elves because we are on Horde instead of Alliance but yet you claim to be a fan.


That and the whole idea of “Blood Elves are there on the horde if you want to play the blood elf model” is some universal insult to the players when a lot of people appreciated its honesty.


You missed the point:
They’re not going to make a separate race that is visually 100% identical.


I mean, the ship has sailed (pun fully intended), but that is EXACTLY what they did with Kul’tirans.

Same species, two different models.


Yeah, but an actually different model is not what people want with high elves.



Depends on which threads you were in. There were certainly a few models I saw that were as different as Nightborne and night elves.

Kul Tirans actually have 3 models, though one of them lacks a female version. And they’re all plain ol’ vanilla humans, without even cool sailor tattoos.


I was in a ton of them. It was all an exercise in finding the exact point that they could get as little changed as possible but still plausibly claim “new model” If you didn’t know the blood elf model completely, and the poses, like I don’t, you could look at all of those mock ups and they just looked like blood elves.


I mean, they barely changed the poses for Nightborne.

I guess my point is that Blizzard could have done more, had they wanted to put any effort in. Probably should have, as well. But with the precedent we’ve got, in retrospect, it wouldn’t have been “out there” to do high elves with a marginally different model.

But it’s not like either of us saw all the copy paste coming back in the day.


But that doesn’t make any story sense to do. They’re the same elves that were all in the same group basically 5 minutes ago but then split due to a political agreement.

Also there’s the whole mess with the Alliance now having more variety of Thalasssian elf than the horde, which had the race first, has. One of the things that works with KT is that it’s a new variety of human form to use on the same faction as other humans. So while there are the problems like with class availability, it works as broadened options for people who can play that already. Blood elves (and technically Night Elves, but eeep that model) don’t get that, but their AR, which is on the other faction, does get that.


Like I said, this is all hypothetical, in the days before void elves existed.

In retrospect, yeah, the lines I mentioned all got crossed with other species.

Now? Too late and we have void elves. Which work just peachy, even if I really wish they had a bit more of their own stuff. Going halvsies with blood elves is boring and lazy.

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You asked elf fans. Don’t go asking people for feedback then saying they don’t have anything of value to the conversation


But it wouldn’t be a different model, that’s the problem. High Elves look exactly like Belfs and Velfs. There are no differences now with the new skin tones and hair and eye colors.

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  1. You don’t get to gatekeep how people engage with different discussions.
  1. Blood Elf players can also be High Elf fans.

The issue I take with half-elves is that you’d be retroactively inserting them. You’d need a time skip in order for it to make a bit more sense. As in, kick the player character down a portal, have them pop up in an Azeroth like five centuries into the future. What remained of the high elves by then would have faded and half-elves would have emerged as their sort of successors. Time has to pass so that we can see the results of what Elisande accused the high elves of (mingling with other races).

Again, factions were a thing at the time. Additionally, when you have that race dangled over you for years (instead of being phased out after Blood Elves became playable, high elves were used as accessories to storylines since Wrath), only to basically say “ignore that, just swap factions instead” is not going to go over well. That’s not something to be praised because, again, you’re putting your foot in your mouth.

I remember those. I liked the ones that bulked up the models a little more. Gave them a, dare I say, thicker silhouette compared to the Blood Elves, who were lanky by comparison. Combine that with the leaning on earth tones (I remember someone suggested going for blues, greens and browns to contrast the Blood Elves’ red and gold) and you have a good starting point.

That’s only the case until it suddenly isn’t. Sylvannas was a night elf until she suddenly wasn’t. Kul’Tirans were just regular humans until they suddenly weren’t. The same would apply to high elves.


Still are.

You haven’t. It’s been playable since BC. No one else cares that you’re that upset over the fact they weren’t on the Alliance. Especially now that you got your own copy of them.

Still waiting to get horde humans since we’ve had those dangled over us WAY more often than high elves really show up. But let me guess, that’s different.


Actually, no. I supported the request asking for Alterac Humans to join the Horde. And this was despite the guy who made it as an attempt to troll the people asking for high elves on Alliance. The best part is that the thread in question had people coming together with suggestions to make it work (including politically connecting them to the Forsaken and bringing in Beve Perenolde), whereas the guy expected people to go “no i dont want humans in my horde” or some such nonsense.


not really. the royals like alleria and veressa, were cosmopolitan. some of the high elves of silvermoon had taken up residence in dalaran 2000 years prior to arthas’ invasion. they had taught the dalaran humans how to be mages, became members of the kirin tor and protected the city. they had 2000 years to have families. to give you some idea of how long ago that actually was, 2000 years ago on planet earth, jesus is said to have been in jerusalem. cleopatra was still alive. iow, its plenty of time to have a sizable population of half elves


They’re not members of the royal family.

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