Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

the high elves survived the lich king and garithos (apparently), lived as exiles or refugees from quel’thalas, and as friends and family of other alliance races. i mean they are straight up cool as cucumbers, except that whole bell thing.

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That’s like, object impermanence, but for lore. We don’t see it? It doesn’t exist nor it can’t possibly ever!

Not but for real your stance is actually funny -the jester mog should have given it away heh- It’s like, you actually believe everyone should be barred from discussing the narrative potential of things that exist in game because that is NOT how it currently is.


In the renamed zone previously know as mac’aree
Where all the void ethereals are at

And yet whenever I ask people to tell me about the high elves I get nothing beyond their association with the alliance and that they’re a collection of Waifus and Husbandos.

It’s not like I haven’t asked or looked or tried to find things either, but as far as I can tell they’re effectively humans in terms of their beliefs and values.

You have those. They’re called humans.

It really isn’t. Every time the races have rolled out alliance players have lost their s**t.

That would be the Blood elves.

There is no evidence of them being refugees as far as I can tell; generally speaking they either settled in extent locations they had outside of Quelthalas or human cities. Hell a chunk of them were probably already there.

I’m not sure what this is reffering to?


I generally work with the lore that exists as opposed to what is in someone’s brain.

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wait, the high elves were you when the lich king attacked, and presumably if garithos was mad for something the high elves did during the orc invasion (where his whole family is murdered by orcs because the high elves withdrew their line of defense from that area), he’d be mad at all high elves not just the high elves who renamed themselves blood elves.

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My point is that the high elves that associate with the alliance likely weren’t in Quelthalas when the Licheking Cried YOLO and let slip the dogs of war and they certainly weren’t there when garithos was effectively using kaelthas and his people as canon fodder; those are the elves that went on to become Sindorei.

Also: what is this bell thing that you mentioned?

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oh the bell, divine bell? i think that was its name. jaina was so mad, she almost destroyed orgrimmar after garrosh mana bombed theramore using that bell thing i think it was. she instructed the silver covenant to round up the sunreavers in dalaran and kill them, and they did, some in very gruesome ways, such as feeding them to sharks, cause some of them had been part of the supply chain that allowed garrosh to get the bell

I literally just… Do you hear yourself?

The narrative concepts of the push and pull between blood and high elves, the outcasts whether by choice or force, the clinging to their old traditionalist viewpoints vs. the Blood elves willingness to do what it took to survive.

Having to find ways to adapt their culture to their new situations, how has living among other races forced them to come to terms with their proud thalassian natures, how do they view the void elves how do they feel about their current allies alongside all the wars, events and different politics.

There is easily so much.

Heck how about why the SC is willing to play with Warlocks but somehow sees the Blood elves as a step too far? Is their issue more focused on the allying with the Horde given what the Old Horde did to them in the past vs. the New Horde?

How has the access to the Sunwell changed for them as a people separated but allowed to pilgrimage there?

Where the heck did all the Allerian Stronghold elves end up and what do they think about all of this?

The Highvale and their alliance with the Wildhammer and how those Draenei priests are doing with them alongside their supposed choice to go cold turkey on all magic (I assume of an arcane nature).

You haven’t looked or tried or listened is your problem.

This isn’t the part I was saying was wrong.


It’s just hilarious how most the playable races that have been introduced go downright against how you think things should be.

Draenei? Retcon
Blood Elves? Sent to Horde despite no previous cooperation
Worgen? Made from Gilneans
Pandaren? A whole continent and backstory added to them
All of the allied races picking a side in Legion.
Zandalar and Kul Tiran given completely new cultural backgrounds and aesthetics.
Dracthyr? yeah

Seriously, if we were only allowed to discuss the potential of playable races as you deem it acceptable, none of these should exist as they are now!

Keep jingling lmao


Lets be real here the real haters of the High Elves are the people that most people including myself call Anti High Elfers/Anti Blood Elfers because they are well aware that Horde has the High Elf race in Blood Elves and we have since they got added in BC but they will sit there acting like we don’t because they aren’t Alliance with a blue background so it’s those people that actually hate High Elves.

I want harpys. I have no preference on which side though. Also I want spider elves.


i tried and tried to get that toy. it got to the point where my withered were so well geared, the big chests would no longer spawn and the big chests are where you get a chance at the toy. stupid rng.

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They need to just make them playable.

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if we’re talking 4 (or 8) legged creatures, id want dryads.

I idly clicked on void elf in the creation screen and was presented with literally just a high elf. It’s so weird they wouldn’t just give straight helves.


Way to disregard the history behind the race in Warcraft lore that existed before WoW. This isn’t like someone asking for the arrakoa or tuskarr as a playable race. Those were introduced in WoW and are fairly new, all things considered. High elves have considerable baggage, and its why I find the way this has been handled appalling.

And again, if they were never meant to be a playable race, Blizzard shouldn’t have dangled it in front of players for years. The elves in the Allerian Stronghold should have been the last time we saw any high elves in WoW, and every thalassian elf since then should have been a blood elf.

You fail to note that this is because nothing has been done with them lore-wise. Their world presence notably increased since Wrath, but it was always as an accessory to something else. It’s no different from inserting a character to make a token appearance instead of story relevance; the character doesn’t grow or develop and instead is “just there”.

So it’s a catch-22 situation. Say nothing and people like you say “lul they ooffer nuthin”. Give suggestions of what could be done with them to give them the distinction (something I’ve seen plenty of in the old threads) and people like you say “lul ur writin fanficks”.


Fal’dorei Empire Rise!
:spider_web: :spider_web: :spider_web:

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alleria’s and veressa’s lore is high elf lore. the rest of the high elves are support.


Considering Varessa’s only active role was in Mists (where she was mad the Horde killed her husband) and Alleria wasn’t much of anything until Legion (and even then, it’s just her; it wasn’t her and a cadre of elves that fight alongside the army of light), all that does is support my point that nothing was done with high elves.

This is why I constantly go back to the fact that if there were no plans for them, they shouldn’t have been as visible as they were in WoW after TBC. And Wrath should not have introduced the Silver Covenant.