Hardcore Raider during LK looking for home for Classic. Retired now so schedule is wide open.
Bump for Wrath Raiding Guild
Hey Amarosa, we have an Ele spot open on our roster. check out our guild info below to see if we are fit. if so message me on discord Jambii#3706
Guild Information
Schedule: Tuesday 9-12pm (EST) / Thursday 9-12pm (EST)
Loot System: DFT-Fight-Club
Style: Semi-Hardcore Dad Guild
About Us:
Axios was founded by the former GM of in Classic which was a top 15 guild on the server. The guild took a very “Laissez Faire” approach to classic wow and raiding. Axios is more focused on finding members that know their class and fights so we can clear the highest level of content, while understanding we each have lives outside the game and are here to have fun.```
We expect you to have your main to 80 by the time raids are released. Come to raid with full consumables knowledge of each fight, fully gemmed and enchanted. We expect each member to respect each other’s time completely as most of us have a limited amount to spend on the game.
Ultimatum is currently looking for dedicated players to join for Wrath of the Lich King Classic for its 25 man roster. We have a community of Retail Mythic-seasoned players spanning multiple expansions that have come together with the desire and drive to clear hard mode and heroic content in a timely manner and support a roster capable of having fun and being competitive. We are looking to fill the remainder of our roster with competitive, competent and friendly players who we feel are deeply knowledgeable about their class and are driven to push themselves with each success and failure. We expect that recruits will demonstrate these qualities primarily through interacting and trialing with us. We do have members of our group of all age ranges and while some of us will be re doing this content, we do have some that will be experiencing this for the first time. We only ask that you keep your character maintained and raid ready. Our members are adults with outside priorities that are more important and we ask you to respect that and keep the atmosphere fun for everyone.
Tuesday - 8pm - 11pm CST (9p-12a EST)
Wednesday - 8pm-11pm CST (9p-12a EST)
Raid Availability
Current needs for our raid group are below
We are currently looking for ALL DPS roles.
healers - Hpal
Guild Expectations
You are part of a guild. We succeed as a group, not as individuals. Self-centred and self-absorbed attitudes are not helpful.
Not everyone will get on with everyone else. That’s life.
Not everyone will agree with everyone else. It’s a large guild and conflict will inevitably arise. As adults, members are expected to either try to resolve disagreements with other players civilly, privately and independently. Failing that, try to work around it. Approach an Officer for assistance if you have exhausted all other options.
Drama will not be tolerated. Disagreements or other behaviors which become disruptive are unacceptable.
Constructive feedback and discussion on all aspects of the guild and raiding is always welcome. Complaints should not be made unless accompanied by alternative proposals. All feedback and discussion should respect the rules and expectations.
Positive criticism is a good thing. Members should feel free to give advice and suggestions to other players to improve their play. Equally, members should view any positive criticism as an opportunity to improve.
Loot: The way that loot will be handled is still being discussed. For trinkets and weapons including Shadowmourne - there will be a loot prio system based on which classes/specs that these specific pieces will most benefit the raid to progress.
Contact Information
Divine (Guild Master)
- Kraze#1468 (BattleTag)
- Kratos#7145 (Discord)
Dizz (Officer)
- Dizz#11776 (BattleTag)
- Midnightjesus#1190 (Discord)
Shoot any of us officers in game, would love to hear from you!
Guild: Nova Satus
Server: [A] Pagle-US (PVE)
Raid Times/Days:
- Sunday: 9PM - 12AM (EST)
- Wednesday: 9PM - 12AM (EST)
- Note: Raid invites go out 15 minutes prior to the start of raid; therefore, all raiders must be ready with all consumables, potions, etc. by that point!
Guild Leadership Contact Information:
- Guild Master: Trey#9525 (Discord, preferred) OR Turoc#11786 (Battle.net)
- Co-GM: Nameless#9038 (Discord)
- Officer: laxboimike#1541 (Discord)
- Officer: Sumoc#4954 (Discord)
- Officer: MaddyLif3#3418 (Discord)
- Healing Officer: eirwen#4796 (Discord)
To apply, please message one of the guild leaders above! We look forward to hearing from you!
About Us:
Nova Satus is made up of a core of 10+ members who have an extensive history of profound performance in competitive Cutting-Edge/Mythic Raiding Environments. The guild master and many of these core members have served in guild leadership positions of Retail WoW. For most of us, we are returning to WotLK for a second time to again clear the most difficult raid content.
On a raiding schedule of 6-hours per week, our goal is to maximize our level of productivity in that weekly 6 hour timeframe. On our scheduled raid days, our focus will be on 25-man raid content. 10-man raid content will be done on off-nights and will be optional. We are all mature individuals who expect the same level of maturity from potential recruits. If you are someone who is easily offended, this may not be the guild for you.
We understand that this is a game, and want to enjoy clearing the most difficult content that WotLK has to offer. As such, we have zero tolerance for drama. With specific regards to loot, we assure you that loot will be distributed fairly and professionally. We do not pick favorites, and will ensure every raider is treated with respect.
Loot Type: Loot Council
- Our loot philosophy is heavily focused on distributing loot based on what brings the most benefit to the entire raid. If a loot decision comes down to a specific class/spec, the decision will be based on the consistent attendance and performance of those raiders.
All raiders must be:
- Mature (18+), accountable, level-headed individuals,
- Knowledgeable of their class and spec,
- Adaptable during progression and refrain from making repeat mistakes,
- Attending scheduled raids consistently throughout the duration of WotLK
- Prepared to raid the Wednesday after raiding content releases!
Recruiting Priorities (25-Man):
Healers: CLOSED
Ranged DPS:
- Hunter: High
- Priest: High
- Shaman: High (ideally w/ Restoration Off-Spec)
- Warlock: High (Affliction or Demonology)
Note: If you do not see your class/spec listed above, but feel you are a talented raider, please shoot a message over to guild leadership. We are always looking to improve our 25-man roster.
(A) Rise and Grind
Rise and Grind is a newly formed morning raiding guild recruiting for WoTLK 25 man. Our goal is to get a solid group of raiders to clear all content and achievements. We’re looking for laid back and reliable people.
About us
Rise and Grind is a newly formed guild for all of us that work 2nd or 3rd shift or just can’t make the typical prime time raiding hours. The majority of the guild cleared wrath content while it was current and a few that still raid on retail.
Raid times
Monday 9am-12
Tuesday 9am-12 (depending on maintenance)
Friday 9am-12
A day may be dropped or raids may end early depending on how fast we are clearing raids.
Tuesday will depend on how long maintenance last but we won’t go past noon.
Currently Recruiting
1 holy priest
1 resto shaman
Any cloth and mail dps
Anyone will be considered
If you’re interested or have any questions you can contact us via discord: