Elementium pocket anvil query

Hi guys,

Does anyone know the best way to use the elementium pocket anvil trinket in mythic+?

I am a ret paladin and previously I have just been using it on cooldown alongside my avenging wrath and final reckoning.

I heard others don’t press the trinket and let it stack or something? Anyone can explain?

It’s better for raids, but still good for M+

yes you generally want to use it on cooldown UNLESS an encounter is about to end, then you hold it until your anvil buff has about 1-2 seconds on it, so you can get 15 more seconds of the buff before it falls off and hopefully you can get into combat before that duration ends.

so take this week for example, you kill a pack of mobs and spitefuls spawn, dont kill the spitefuls, let them follow you around so you stay in combat as long as possible when moving to the next pack, that way you never fall out of combat and you never lose the anvil buff.

if you play it right (and healer doesnt need to spend lots of time drinking or rezzing someone) you can keep the 5 stack buff for the entire dungeon without it ever falling off.

Anvil is the absolute best in slot trinket for both raiding (single target and aoe encounters) and mythic plus.


appreciate the help guys!

Thanks for asking this question I didn’t understand how to use it in m plus either properly.

Ashes & grieftorch will make you much happier

Get the

You can aoe the doll to keep yourself in combat like once a mythic incase your stacks are gunna fall


I’ll get the ashes next reset for sure. Tbh even though anvil is rated s tier on wowhead it feels underwhelming - I’m probably not using it properly as it’s only 5-6 percent of my dps. I prefer something like augery that last season was sometimes double digits

Trinkets like ANvil and signet require ramp up time, the longer you are in combat, the better it gets. So you need to chain pull in M+ or general boss encounters last longer than 3 minutes.

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