Elemental Tuning Updates

Like I said. If you need help I’m here to help. If you’re here to cry I’m all out of tissues. My discord is above. It would be my pleasure to help those needing help.(including you) Have a good weekend!

Fair bit, you proved the point. You are doing 98% parses and still being at the low end of ST damage of what classes are capable of.

Thanks mate, you proved the point. Even being at the top of Ele, you’re at the bottom of the chart.

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Like I said in the elemental shaman post, if you need help with elemental shaman damage message me, mate. I’d also be more concerned with your Druid mate
Work on that before chirping somebody who’s here trying to help others.

What CHART dog? Your looking at top world logs and determine what’s good and what’s not? You think the vast majority of people are upset about the top 100 players and the balance there? Turn the dratnos podcast off and get back to reality. Good players are good. Echo chambers aren’t for me. The crybaby stuff is just too much already. You like the class play it. Every class is viable if you put in the time and effort to do it. Your a cornball. Do you have a shaman or do you hang out in the shaman forums? I’m trying to get a grip on the situation lol. What’s happening here :joy:

Will keep saying I dislike being tied to a CD (especially in ST) but you can do good on Ele currently.

In Raid your ST damage will generally be lower but being lower on the totem pole doesn’t need to mean you are a weak leak. If you are in a group of players that all excel in every facet of WoW then sure you might look worse than before. Odds are most of us aren’t playing with (or are ourselves) the crème de la crème, so comparing to those that our is out of touch.

M+ generally feels amazing imo, same premise as before though. If anything, the defensive power of Shaman still feels lacking, especially Ele. I wish our Healing Surges also could do millions of healing like it does for Enhance. Depending how high you personally go though, just do your best with what you got and the rest falls (mostly) on your healer.

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This is a good take! I agree

I think you are the one who is not understanding the situation, sir. Of course if you are the top of your guild you will have impression that the shaman is good in raid but that is because you are better than the rest in that guild. but honestly I don’t think you’ve played with players with the same skill as you but with another class, a enha shaman would destroy you without much effort even a paladin that you can play with 3 buttons. It’s not that the shaman is bad , it’s just that when you do content with other classes in raid you feel the bad st, especially with bad DRE RNG. a sub 3 min fight without DRE procs is drepessing.
Luckily there are only two fights that are just st

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No no I get it man you got me wrong. The guy said his damage was bad, so I want to help him. Plain and simple. I can’t do anything about the tuning, but I love elemental shaman and I make it work, so I offer to help that’s all it is. It’s also not unplayable or not viable, people are dramatic, and that’s important to point out also.

What don’t you get? No one is saying it’s unplayable, just that they’d contribute to their group more if they played something else. And that feels bad.


It’s not unplayable, but the gulf between our single target performance vs other specs is pretty big. The majority of us are just asking for some single target adjustments, which (not a dev, ofc) can be done with some buffs to Lighting Bolt and Earth Shock/Elemental Blast, which wouldn’t affect our AoE/Cleave, which is solid already.


I’ll take some buffs! :joy:

People are saying that. If a lot of people were saying what you were saying, I wouldn’t be so vocal about it. My issues with people that are saying Exactly that. It’s not always black and white. The best players in the world will play the best mathematical spec at all times and that will further divide the numbers this happens in mythic plus and raid, etc. it will always happen. I like buffs. I play elemental because it’s the funnest class to play. Not because it’s the best class to play. Enhancement shaman is a better shaman When it comes to damage, I’m not crazy dude. I just don’t like dishonesty and over exaggeration on either side.

When you show someone an elemental shaman with really good logs, say well, That’s just the best players doing that. That means you can do that. That’s what that means. Nobody likes that so they use the averages and the best players don’t play mid tier specs so the averages drop. Some classes are better at AOE. Some classes are better at single target. Some classes are better in keys.

The big elephant in the room is that instead of looking to improve on what you have in front of you It’s much easier to just point to balancing and tuning and blame the game design instead of personal responsibility. I know that hurts people’s feelings like I said before, I’m more than happy to share what I’ve learned to play the spec in its current state. I challenge the same players to play the “best spec” And then take a look at where they stand. The tuning is happening a lot more often than it used to. Sometimes they get it right. Sometimes they get it wrong. Sometimes if they buff the AOE it screws up the single target vice versa. They try to balance for PVP and PVE keys and raid all at the same time with all the specs it’s not an easy thing to do.

Just to add to this, I don’t hide, my discord is there. My main is here. I’m approachable. I’ll talk to anybody on discord in direct messages or voice At any time. I haven’t heard from a single person. Some people don’t wanna be helped and that’s fine. If you want to doom you doom go to any class forum or discord that’s what happens here. I understand I’m fighting an uphill battle but if I can help one guy I’d be happy to do it.

I wasn’t happy I had to switch all my secondaries around, learn a different rotation ect during a mid season rework. It’s annoying. I’m not nuts lol. I don’t know what more I can say!

Cut the stockholm syndrome. If you say “Thanks for the nerfs, daddy blizz! I like being the lowest single target spec in the game without having absurd strength elsewhere!” Then blizz will happily leave the class in the dumpster.

You need to fight every nerf tooth and claw to end up in a strong spot.

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Buff Master of the Elements

im getting over the nerfs cus were doin alright, 3mins no fun, lack of defensives, uselessness of farseer n st kind of a bummer, but were doin fine. BUT just sumthin i keep thinking about:

I’ve been playing ret and ele since the middle of bfa. I like to push io as high as i can, just think that treading the line to survive and do crazy pulls to push high keys the most fun way to play the game. Every season i start as ele then do prot/hpal to gear then do ret, if i have a lottt of time ill do a FOTM alt (some spriest some aug)

And its just like the frustration as an ele player that boils over when tha change gets put through like this is that
a) we never have been and will never get to be fotm good(ok wat maybe bfa or wrath or something but that was a different style of game and im not sure fotm and pushing content was thought of the same)
b) we see other classes get reworks that make them fit the new style of game, ive seen my ret paladin’s wings go from 2mins to 30 sec. ret paladin has divine protection (astral shift w/ 1/2 cooldown) shield of vengeance (stone bulwark totem w/ 1/3 cooldown) PLUS bop bubble and loh – these things have made ret SO MUCH MORE FUN to play and the ele rework is no where nearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr as impactful (worse in adding a 3min cd imo, and the 2 arc discharges felt actually impactful, like having moments of being a bm hunter or a ret w/ its melee range and allowing us to highlight all our utility)
c)i have to use a whole different mouse to have enough keybinds to play ele effectively

Good thing nobody said that and everybody is asking for ST compensation for the Ascendance Bug fix. Maybe learn how to read.

Question then, how do you personally feel about the Arc Discharge change? Not in a damage sense but a gameplay sense. To me it just feels worse for gameplay, I really liked the 2 charges, esp in pvp. We went from using stormbringer in rbgs/blitz to using farseer because they nuked it so hard (for some reason they did not stop the pve changes from applying to pvp). This has been my biggest annoyance about the nerfs in general and is usually what I keep posting about.

i do not pvp so i cannot speak on it, however i can see how losing an instant cast juiced up LB in pvp would feel terrible. In PVE it actually FEELS better to not have it and smooths the rotation out in single target. I do miss it in aoe though. I’d also add that I liked having farseer for pure ST/small target count and stormbringer for big pull dungeons. I think that’s cool design, where now it seems all pve content is stormbringer no matter what. I would enjoy being able to choose different hero talents depending on situation.

these are the people i was talking about lol!