Elemental shamans are dead

Of course blizzard has decided to completely gut elemental shaman right when it was looking like a good meta class.

Elemental duration goes from 20 seconds to 30 seconds (33% reduction)
Flash of lightning and Skybreakers fiery demise was removed (CD reduction on elementals).
This makes our fire/storm elementals go from a 45 second CD during fights to a whopping 2.5 min cd. Elemental shamans are absolutely a dead class now. Thanks alot Blizz.

and once again mages are still META.


Hop on ptr and play it. New ele is bonkers

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The damage was shifted from Elementals back into casted spells.

That is generally a good thing.

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playing it on PTR now. Our damage only comes out every 2 minutes. The cast time for chain lightning and lightning bolt is too long now. We were good because we did high sustained damage. now its gone. Icefury doesnt feel good enough either.

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Pretty much.

Me and my buddy were messing around with it. The old lightning build doesnt work overly well but uhh we got some INSANE burst builds with decent sustain going absolutely slapping.

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Lmao have you seen how strong there raid buff is?? I also hate when my class gets tons of great changes. You would last one week in a priests shoes

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PvP Ele is also dead thanks to these “phenomenal” changes. Thanks Blizzard for fantastic gift on 20th anniversary. Rerolling my SP.

It’s good as it is why do you change something that works?

Yes the current ele build will be worse but the current ele build is super degenerate lightning bolt spam. Older storm builds akin to s2 def will be insane. New ascendance being accessible for storm builds with dre and storm keeper will slap. Game play could look something like pool maelstrom while storekeeper is on cd. Spend to fish for dre proc then slam a super juiced up storm keeper. Ancestors spawning from ln and cl will also give a lot of cdr to elementals.

FoL nerf ugh…

i was having tons of fun , with lightning build , and summoning elementals left and right

lava burst builds u mean? im tired of it.


I agree with you on some level that the current ele spec is just super spammy. I wish they reworked in a way that made the spec still viable and fun. But as it is now, its just absolute trash.

Blizzards logic: Hey everyone is enjoying elemental shaman. Lets rework everything they like about it and make it about icefury. which no shmana in the world likes

Also blizzard logic: Hey everyone is enjoying mage, especially frost and arcane. You know what lets buff fire too so all 3 specs can be meta.

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tried it on ptr for a while…and …our arm is twisted again

"u gonna use LvB on CD and u will like it ! "

lvb animation is ok , looks more fiery than before less “magma”

ele looked like “meta” for M+ this season , not anymore…thanks blizz


yeah it feels awful right? someone at blizzard needs to be held accountable.

its feels bad yeah, we were a lightning machine gun , the dmg of LB- CL was meh , but u casted them so often that it was fun…elementals were around almost all the time and now u are alone (we arent a pet class tho but still) , casting that lvb to buff that pitifull LB dmg that is now slow and generates the same poor malestrom as before…

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i almost cried when i casted an icefury proc in PTR and saw 200k damage. LOL. so bad.

I get it but 11.0.0 rework already made it gone with Windspeaker’s removal. The real reason for that build was our tier set that is also gone. Blizzard also stated that they would not create such sets anymore that would made you play certain spec over other.
However with Ascendance change they force me to stack Mastery now and go back to 1 shot CD stacking playstyle that I hate. I prefer sustain/tempo oriented gameplay.

As a PvP player I have to say I hate the change and it ruins the experience for me. While “Mr Lava Lava” was degenerate I think that current PvP fire build was fine. It just needed a little bit of tweaks for M+.

I’m really sad and disappointed. Also new Ascendance forms are ugly…

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sad state. Its also sad that blizzard have these forums that no Dev looks at or cares about. All the devs are mage mains. When was the last time elemental shaman was meta in M+? the last think I can think of was one season if MoP. Meanwhile mages have been meta since vanilla WoW. We get a little strong in TWW. Shaman is the most played class and blizzard says no we dont want you to play shaman. We gonna buff our mains (mages) instead.



On the other hand if you think about it. Last expansion they kept saying they want to go away from 100-0 one shot playstyle. So they turned Ele into more sutain damage based spec to now go back to that degenerate playstyle of hiding for 1,5 min. behind the pillar to then stack all CDs and one shot someone. It’s literally coming back to DF season 1 but with going Mastery instead of Haste. Also gameplay change makes me most likely change a comp I play.

Most likely I’ll reroll SP to be able to play with my two friends. I get it Fire build in season 3 and 4 was degenerate but it was due to:

-tier set

Both things are gone… You won’t have it ever again. Why do you have to turn everything upside down. All PvP players play current Ascendance and like it. Do we matter to Blizzard?

Honestly I like the direction they are moving in. Anything that gets us away from only using either lighting bolt or lava burst is a plus imo.

The changes should still skew in lighting bolts direction but hopefully it won’t be all encompassing like it is rn.

I am totally bias cuz they straight copy pasted my ascendance suggestions.

I like that we are moving away from lightning bolt and lava burst but i hate that we are moving back into ice fury. and I hate that they are turning us into a 2-minute burst class.