Elemental shaman weapon & shield or 2-handed weapon?

Trying an elemental shaman and I’m wondering what I should be using for a weapon? Do I want a one handed weapon and a shield or should I go with a staff? I have the heirlooms if that matters?

Whatever gives you the best stats at the time. If you’re doing solo content and you’re bad at keeping stuff at range, then 1h+shield will make it easier for you to survive without having to heal so much, but if you are opt in for a 150 1h+shield instead of a 200 2h, just because it’s a 2h, then you’re gimping yourself.

ilevel + stats > type of weapon

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If you pvp, you always want a shield.


Always this. Otherwise whatever you can get your hands on.

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I think staffs give slightly more int for some reason, so if you really had to choose a staff is probably best.

PvP always a shield.

Although it really comes down to what drops for you.

Its the same.

Its ever so slightly more for some reason. At least for M0, the difference between a 2H staff and a 1H/Shield is 2 INT.

Mythic Vendor gear

1H/Shield —> 251+132 INT=383 INT

2H Staff —> 386 INT

These are the Higher INT options.

Not saying these are directly the best options secondary stat wise, just that staffs for whatever reason have small amounts of more INT then other options. Feel free to look at the loot options in whatever your order hall are/Dungeon journal are yourself.

I am assuming that if you had random 220 Staff versus 1H/Shield it would be the same result but as I don’t have these things I cannot say.

Again, its just very slight increases so if you care that much it might be the better option (secondary stats depending).