Elemental Shaman LF Raiding group. Have played elemental since end of BC and all herioc raids in wrath, cata, and panda land. Would love to raid all the classic content and beyond.
Would love a PVE server
Elemental Shaman LF Raiding group. Have played elemental since end of BC and all herioc raids in wrath, cata, and panda land. Would love to raid all the classic content and beyond.
Would love a PVE server
Looking for options
Looking for options
Not sure what kind of schedule you’re looking for but check us out.
Lookokg for Options
We are a casual guild made up of WoW veterans with families and lives outside of WoW. Check us out!
I’ll post a shortened version of our main recruitment post below. I see you are looking to play an ele shaman. We are specifically looking for one enh/ele shaman to do some totem twisting for our team. If you’re willing to gear as both enh and elemental, we may be the guild for you.
Guild Name: Hourglass
Link to recruitment post: [H] ⌛ Hourglass | Atiesh| Hardcore | Weekend Night Raiding | 10/10 MC 1/1 Ony
General Information:Hourglass is a Horde (PvE) raiding focused guild founded by a few friends who have been playing and raiding together for quite some time; as well as to having multiple class and vanilla raiding experience. We are looking for other like-minded individuals looking to progress at a steady pace going forward for Classic raiding. However, we consider ourselves to be a hardcore raiding guild environment and raid team members will be treated as such.
Raid Times and Days: Saturday 9pm EST – 1am EST (6pm PST - 10pm PST) and Sunday 9pm EST – 1am EST (6pm PST - 10pm PST)
Server: Atiesh (pst normal server)
Loot Distribution: Loot Council
Voice Communication: Discord
Contact Information:
please feel free to contact anyone listed below to discuss joining the guild. An interview will more than likely occur. We do not do applications
Bnet: MakkachinSox#1572 or Discord: MakkachinSox#1438 : Guild Master, Ranged DPS leader, Raid Assist/Recruiter
Bnet: Synergy#1765 or Discord: Synergy#2154 : Guild Master, Lead Main Tank, Lead Raid Lead/Lead Raid Recruiter
Looking for pve servers
Looking for more options on PVE servers