Looking for 2 day AOTC and m+ focused guild (preferably established or put together by similar experience/mindset players) for either Tue/Thu or Fri/Sat at time 7-10pm or 8-11pm EST.
I’ve got multiclass (melee/range dps/healer) AOTC/CE and guild officer experience since original WOTLK planning to play elemental shaman this expansion and maybe couple alts (dk, lock, mage) for fun, always ready up to date and competitive with everything for raids/talents/consumables etc.
I’m also active for m+ push other days but mostly weekends.
Currently 579 ilvl but getting crafted items, crest upgrades, enchants and embellishment closer to s1 release. Currently BiS pre s1 besides 1 item (boots) and 2 crafts that I will get.
Hit me up if interested:
Discord: jake_1337_
BNET: Kubasniak#1754