Elemental Rune Dungeons coming soon

I don’t get why he hates catch up mechanics.

It isn’t for t11 it’s so you can start t12 when it’s out.

he hates it because he is an awful player who cant clear content

he doesn’t want people who havent cleared it (or struggled like he clearly has) to get free loot because he thinks you need to earn it

But it’s old loot at this point so who cares lmao

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a boomer who cant finish a tier after 6months of raiding (Burning aka Moistkitty)

Coming from someone who hasn’t even set foot in a normal raid.

This should shut him up. This is 100% absolutely a bigger problem than “catch-up” gear. Can stop crying now, hopefully.

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your views on the game are bad and would damage the game furthermore instead of trying to revive it or push players back into the game

hilarious that the only person against catchup systems that are healthy for the game is the user who literally can’t fully clear the raids lmfao ((on heroic))

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We both know his numbers are for sure not accurate

after reading a handful of your posts, i refuse to believe you’re a real person. :rofl:


Classic has been p2w for ages now and Blizz does more to make p2w easier and more accessible…

But people complain about “catch-up gear”. It’s pretty silly, and the people that complain about catch-up gear likely supported RMT in GDKPs throughout Classic.

Complaining about catch-up gear is likely a ruse. They are either salty that they paid a bunch for an item in a GDKP and dont want others to get it “free” or they dont want demand for GDKP to drop because people have gameplay options besides GDKP to gear.


No such thing as p2w in wow.

If you think p2w in wow exists then it’s in literally every MMO game ever made.

You getting an item for free is no different than the person who paid gold for the item, they are the same item and the items don’t require you to pay real money to get them.

Yes p2w exists, it’s how you’ve been able to make progress in 25m :skull:

Dude, I don’t wanna poo in your cheerios, but you should check out Retail RWF over the past 7-10 years. Hundreds of millions of gold went into prep for it, none of it was legitimate either.
Buying gold to prepare to RWF is sad and is absolutely P2W, and that’s on the HIGHEST level.
Lower it down to merely GDKPs and you can extrapolate it out to P2W 100%.
If you buy gold, even from blizzard and pay someone in game for an item to be traded to you BECAUSE you have the most gold for it is absolutely P2W and to say otherwise to 100000% cope.


Without raid logs, there’s really no basis for a discussion.

Lol wrong look at my logs zero GDKP’s

you have a 51.2(**sry went too high) overall and you haven’t cleared ANY of the final bosses on heroic yet you are talking about logs?

how about you get good at the video game and quit begging for feral to be buffed so you can parse purples, ty

better see you in normal firelands! a non 13/13H player should NOT be in heroic firelands!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Burning = Moistkitty’s main (LOLLLL)

Is this Burning?

Not how it works.

P2w means you’re required to pay real money to get the item.

It really isn’t p2w to be part of a raid, kill a boss and then hope your item drops…

If you think it is because you have such a watered down definition then every MMO ever was and is p2w.

You could buy 1,000,000 gold for an OEM and never see it drop, and countless people get the same item you bought gold for for free and sooner, that’s literally the exact opposite of p2w.

I do agree the world first race needs to change.

Yes that’s him.

Even he’s not ashamed to post on his main unlike William but at least he’s 11/13 and not 7/13

No it doesn’t. Lmao
P2W means you can get ahead by spending money, it being available to people is what makes it p2w…

BRO, he’s been talking this whole time from a place of authority, and talking about how ferals need a buff, looking at his logs, he just needs to stop talking.
Even YOU took his side about his Prog…, He’s 8/13 not 11/13