Elemental Rune Dungeons coming soon

I mean the catch up mechanics are for people who most likely couldn’t do the content, not sure why it matters they get it a phase late.

They couldn’t clear t11 they most likely won’t clear t12 and will need the next catch up mechanic, idk why it matters.

tons of people cleared full T11 heroic but quit when retail expansion came out, punishing them for not continuously playing the game is bad, adding more ways to gear without re-clearing content nobody wants to clear is anything but bad

Truth is that heroic gear like that attracts players. More players equals bigger rewards.

Having full BiS is not necessary; to do firelands prog, people were progressing without it in the original game. Therefore, it’s not punitive. They chose to play Trashtail; nobody forced them to spend their time on that WoW abomination of WoW.

Why should players be rewarded and accommodated if they decide to quit? The issue with the game is that players are aware they can leave, knowing catch-up mechanics will ensure they aren’t left behind.

The players who come to Cataclysm for the welfare heroic loot will depart once the next phase of Season of Discovery or Trash Tail is released, thus it offers no real benefit.

And they can increase drops for 10M so people who have been 13/13H for 3 months don’t need these vendors, but here we are, lol


Ten-man raids don’t require additional drops; if you’re seeking more loot, consider joining twenty-five-man raids. Raiders in ten-man groups receive compensation proportionate to their numbers. If that’s unsatisfactory, recruiting for twenty-five-man raids is a straightforward solution for more loot.

If you are so focused on people doing t11 to earn t11 gear, are you ok with them increasing boss drops from the raid to 5 per boss in 10 and 13 per 25 man so they can zoom through the gearing process in the old content?


Then it also eventually does no harm…

Absolutely not!!!

But they are clearing the content to catch up to current content.

So you just want to gatekeep then.


He has no power.

The dungeons will be in the game with the catch up gear.

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You just tossed down some white magical facts bro… :sunglasses:

blizzard is fumbling cata like they did wotlk

Someone needs to photoshop Aggrend’s head on the clip of Biden falling while walking up stairs with the name of every project he’s worked on being the stairs.

I have a template of biden sniffing people if you get me his photo i can easily swap him into it.

How excited are you that you finally get loot off the last 6 bosses of the raid?

On a scale of 1-13 how happy are you, I’d say you’re atleast a 7/13

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Starting to think he lives rent free in your head… :rofl:

I’m just bored at work.

Also you want to talk about living rent free every time I respond to him you show up do I live rent free in your head?

My atlas loot says new heroic+ gear is same lvl as Firelands norm gear . Some how I think that can not be right . But knowing blizz it could be just look at mythic + you get mythic raid gear out of M+ .

Unless they changed something that is wrong.