Elemental Rune Dungeons coming soon

will normal T11 raids get their loot adjusted to compensate like what happened back in Wrath, and why can’t we get weapons from the vendor?


I think it’s because of the crafted weapons from MF

so pre nerf cata dungeons?

They added heroic loot to the vendor This is beyond stupid!!!

Thanks for including Sinestra loot. Finally will finish my BIS lol.

Priests need 3 Sinestra items… impossible for 10M to BIS out your casters even if you killed her week 1

Will there be any adjustments/nerfs to tier 11 content with the release of tier 12?

Blizz During The Hype Buildup: “We are excited to be working on a new level of dungeon in Classic, similar to what was in WotLK!”

Blizz Now: “The dungeons will be a blanket % increase to health/dmg of mobs. No additional challenges.”

Blizzard’s Excuse: “We want Cata’s dungeon mechanics to shine through! off camera lol, consume the slop.”

LMFAO :skull:

If we can’t get the weapons from the vendor, please increase the drop rate from the raid bosses. Ideally we should have access to the weapons though, even if they cost a lot more tokens from the vendor.