Elemental or Tribal Leatherworking?

Hey everyone!

I’ve been around WoW since the TBC days. However, this is my first time seriously getting into the game, and I need to make an important decision. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I can’t decide if I should with Elemental or Tribal Leatherworking. It seems like the market is started to get over saturated with Tribal. My end goal is to make the most amount of gold possible. Do you think this goal would be more attainable if I went Elemental or Tribal?


Isn’t elemental only for meme specs?

This is a very good write up on this topic. worth a read.

Sikez, thanks for posting that guide. I have actually read it before. The guide states that Tribal is definitely the way to go. However, I dont think it accounts for the market being over saturated. Thoughts?

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Tribal is great but I’m not sure if you can put your foot in the door if it’s already established on your server. You could prepare for resist gear if it’s ever needed… but you can also just farm devilsaur leather.

Elemental is more for caster leather. Some resto druid prebis is from ele. Tribal makes devilsaur and later some of the best healing items in the game. Tribal is extremely popular.