Elemental - Lave Eruption + Farseer issue

Elemental badly needs something akin to Enhancement’s Voltaic Blaze:

  • Firstly, because Elemental lacks a non-capstone short CD Flame Shock applicator.
    • Enhancement now has two that are easy to access and convenient to use.
    • Lava Surge no longer benefits from having FS on multiple targets, so it should not be an issue to allow AoE FS.
  • Secondly, and more importantly for the issue OP highlights, Elemental needs a proc that encourages pressing Flame Shock rotationally for enhanced damage.

Honestly it feels like Voltaic Blaze should be an Elemental spell as much as (if not more than) Enhancement, given how thematically elemental it is combining two elemental forces in one. However, an even better option for Elemental is Voltaic Blaze’s precursor:

They key term here is “has a chance”. For Enhancement it was too RNG given that Enh doesn’t cast Chain Lightning that often. For Elemental in an AoE situation this is a non issue as Ele casts CL frequently as the main AoE builder.

It also aligns with Elemental’s “Storm, Earth and Fire!” theme… and is free for the taking since Voltaic Blaze replaced it.