Elemental Force is grossly overtuned

At 41, it is Already it is down to 15-20%, so I think the scaling is off making it much stronger at lower levels.

Either way, it is getting nerfed which I think is great.

Guys this isn’t rocket science, elemental force doesn’t scale with gear, only level. The reason why it’s low for a Twinkie is because you’ve itemized to increase damage of everything else. For an average leveler it will be 25-40% of their damage for a LONG time (it remains powerful and valuable right into the 80s). The nerf is likely justified for PVP but it makes low-level leveling actually tolerable so it will be a shame if it gets gutted.

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Into the 80s? Lol no my dude, if you are using ele force that long you are doing it wrong.

Ele force starts dropping off in value in the late 40s, depending on your spec (DW specs get far more value) and by the end of the 50s early 60s its worth replacing for every spec. Even on a rogue which is probably the best class in the game for ele force, DW with fast attacks, around level 55 it’s worth it to swap to dance steel or landslide. That is not to say ele force is useless that high, ofc it’s better than no enchant, but it isn’t the best one anymore, certainly not into the 80s :rofl: that’s just absurd.

In the 20s and 30s, and below, ele force is unquestionably broken tho, no denying that.

Dude I said remains powerful and valuable, I didn’t say BIS. You literally quoted me and then made up this alternative narrative. What is happening here :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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It really doesn’t though. I equipped it in my 50s and it does 7-8%. I’m probably hurting myself by having it on at this point rather than an enchant to increase my stats or something.

I think people like you just like to argue


You can equip it yourself and test it.

I never said BiS either lol

The fact of the matter is it’s not “powerful and valuable” till the 80s. It’s only those things through the 40s, even in the 50s it’s decent at best. Past 60 it’s pretty much just garbage.

Saying it’s “powerful and valuable” into the 80s is simply incorrect.

When you are running around Auto attacking, Elemental Force will indeed be the highest damage on current charts. :rofl:

The adjustments have been made across the boards on PTR with so many items,
these adjustments have been made with fine tuning in mind.
Elemental Force is the standard IMO, very easily obtained with easily obtained materials.
It is safe to say that Elemental Force will continue to be a viable option for lower levels after 8.1.5.

You literally said “best”, come on why are you trolling me here.

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Damn you are a pedantic one aren’t you.

Sitting here arguing semantics while completely sidestepping the main point.

Use whatever adjective you want, no matter how you choose to describe it claiming that ele force is “powerful, valuable, best, ideal, strong, etc” till the 80s is just patently false.

It’s still about 10% damage buff at 89, don’t know why you’re being a jerk. 10% buff for a couple hundred gold is strong. It’s ideal. It’s valuable. What’s your deal man?

Just trying to correct the spread of misinformation, it’s really that simple.

You are just flat wrong that it is ideal, or valuable, or strong at 89. It is utter crap at 89. Anything past 60 and it’s weak at best.

If someone reading this actually wants to have ideal enchants, swap to dancing steel/landslide/mongoose (whichever stats your spec prefers) around 55 or so.

if 10% is “utter crap” how much do any of these offer?

Yeah he’s full of it, at 89 it’s nowhere near as much as 10% of your damage, he pulled that out of his butt. If it actually is you are just standing there auto attacking, you’ll find if you press your abilities you’ll do alot more damage.

Not exactly sure what it would be at 89, but last time I was leveling an alt I swapped off of elemental force around 50-55, and at the time of swapping it was already in the single digits, around 8-9% of my dmg over the course of a dungeon IIRC. There’s no way it’s doing 10% at 89, unless it’s received a buff recently, which seems unlikely as the last thing that chant needs is a buff, it is for sure straight up broken low levels.

If Elemental Force is consistently a players top damage, it may very well be the players own shortcomings which have allowed this to happen.
Results may vary, accordingly.

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89 here, Elemental Force tickles at this level. There are better enchants to switch to when you start getting higher levels.

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Jesus man, you admit you haven’t played a char in the 80s, that you haven’t leveled an alt in a while and stopped using EF at 55. In what way are you even remotely an authority then? Why don’t you actually try using the enchant in the 80s before voicing an opinion? I mean good lord, a 10% damage buff you can buy would be OP broken at 120, but for you at 89 that is suddenly a pittance. What a ridiculous opinion you have.

When did I say I haven’t leveled a toon in the 80s? I was on my 84 monk alt 2 days ago. All I said is I’m not sure what the exact percentage EF would be at 89… because I’m not dumb enough to use it at that level. I know for damn sure it’s not 10% though, as the last time I personally swapped off of EF it was already below that, and that was 30 levels lower than you claim.

Not sure why you’re so determined to go down with this ship. Others who are actively in that level range have agreed… you’re the only one stubbornly claiming EF is good that high.


Or, just try it!