Elemental build w/ Stormbringer(Enhancement)

It seems like the elementalist build for Enhance is more geared for the Totemic hero talents, while the storm build is more geared for the Stormbringer hero tree.

It’s just…I really don’t like the Totemic hero talents, at all. Even if they buffed the damage, it’s completely unappealing to me.

Do you think the elementalist build with stormbringer hero talents could work? I know you’re missing out on some talents in the bottom right of tree(Static Accumulation and Thorim’s Invocation), but maybe with the pretty fast maelstrom generation from the elementalist build, you could get frequent tempest hits?

I guess the issue is the stormbringer hero talents obviously favor lightning bolt to be used as a maelstrom spender instead of elemental blast, but you could just switch off between them.


P.S. - I know enhancement is in the gutter damage wise in Beta, but lets assume our damage gets tuned…(massive injection of copium into vein)

Update title. This is about enhance not elemental(ist). Just so you get the right attention on your post.

Yes. Unless something changed recently Totemic just isn’t good and Stormbringer works just fine with the elemental enhance builds.

not only does it work its quite a lot better.

both in st and aoe, for both the elementalist and storm builds, stormbringer is the better tree.

also really not the case either.

i tried a totemic build, a classic fire nova build and i just end with too many keybinds, at the very least i wish the totem would drop automatically but i don’t like having to manually put it

I believe Wordup mentioned in a podcast that for elemental enhance, stormbringer is great for ST and AoE.

I don’t want to jinx it but honestly enhance is looking pretty good unless you were super looking forward to totemic LOL.

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That’s good to know. I like the elemental playstyle better, it just seems they designed the totemic hero talents to go along with the elemental build.

I wanted to like totemic, I really did…It just doesn’t click on any level. It’s not well executed and just seems thrown together. The Earthsurge hero talent is the only one I like. Everything else is just so underwhelming.

It sucks because I really like Totemic for Resto Sham. For Enhance, they really dropped the ball with it ;(

It was thrown together. It was one of the last few hero trees released and only had I think two weeks of testing before beta started, I can’t remember but it wasn’t much.

Totemic looks like it was designed for resto and they literally took the first idea they heard on how to make it function for enhance and ran with it. The passives are all over the place. No solid foundation at all.

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Why do you think it works better? Is it the rapid generation of maelstrom stacks that gives you frequent tempest procs?

I’m going by what streamers have said for PvP. I’ve only played the beta a few times to try out the talents in a very casual setting. Watching streams of arena though, it’s consistently in last place for damage. I think there’s modifiers on enhance pvp damage, cause it looks dire.

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For PvP it is the case. It’s either the worst or second worst DPS in PvP right now, topping out at a “crazy” 300k DPS.

Numerically, design wise, defensively (still meh), list goes on

There’s your answer, like most I could care less about PvP. Nowhere was that specified in the original post.

Damage right now doesn’t matter btw, it’s still prepatch / lvl 70.

I do both. In PvP it’s consistently ranked the worst spec by most experienced pvpers. Damage isn’t there and still struggles with mobility and survivability.

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I’ve heard, haven’t seen actual data so grain of salt, that elementalist stormbringer actually does more damage than Storm Stormbringer. Not a ton more, but a little more. Might also just be naming confusion since with those extra talent points we can have some borderline hybrid builds going on. Either way both builds work fine with stormbringer, it’s all about using tempest as much as possible and both builds have ways to do that. We all just need to pray that tempest doesn’t get nerfed so much that totemic is our only option because that will decimate enhancements playerbase. I’ve seen maybe 1-2 people say they like totemic, most hate how clunky and disjointed it is. It might do alright damage but big nope from me on playing it’s current design.

That’s good to hear. I feel like tempest is preferred because it focuses on actual ranged damage. I mean, how are you supposed to use totemic against classes like mages, evokers, etc. with high mobility? Enhancement already suffers from mobility issues and being able to close the gap when it comes to mobile ranged dps.

Thanks for the input Warmaster of the Imperium Nihilus.

I’ve been using the stormbringer elementalist build, swapping out ele blast for tempest strikes, and using fire nova in place of icestrike/frost shock combo. For AoE it seems far superior. And I’m talking hundreds of thousands of dps superior.

Totemic is very uninspired. Drop totem every 20whatever seconds and that’s it. It doesn’t really affect the rotation at all. It empowers a couple of abilities but doesn’t really require much thought.

I like Totemic, I like the totems, I like the idea of it. It still needs a few tweaks though. It needs to have a choice node for totem placement like an earthquake. It was @ target when first introduced, then changed for Restro.

Reactivity needs to be changed, and lively totems need to allow stormbringer swings, or a guaranteed seering totem from lava lash. Our final node needs a few changes to match what was just spoken on. I am hoping that a few adjustments are made, but we will see.
I have played Totemic throughout the beta, but as most of you have said, it just does not stand up to Stormbringer. Strombringer is also much more forgiving, and once Tempest is rolling, it’s doing crazy damage. IF some adjustments are done, Totemic will be very nice. Just needs a few knobs turned.