I was just fighting a recent treasure goblin in Orgrimmar using my mag’har elemental shaman alt. He is not in warmode. I am never in warmode. There were several alliance players in the city, flagged for pvp. During the fight I used Icefury, then Frost Shock, and my now aoe Frost Shock due to Electrified Shocks also hit the pvp flagged alliance players. This in turn also flagged me for pvp.
I guess that’s what’s happening to me when I’m doing the research under fire events. Glad to see Bliz on top of these involuntary PvP flagging bugs.
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I reported a similar thing on my enhancement shaman some months back. I never could tell which ability it was that was pulling me into pvp. Like with electrifies shocks, enhancement has several that adds some passive aoe to certain abilities. That seems to be where the problem occurs.