Ele shaman

I wanted to take a moment to thank the dev team for the incredible work on the Lightning build in PTR 0.5. The build feels coherent, solid, and thematically engaging. After several tests, I find the current state of the Lightning build to be satisfying and enjoyable to play.

I’m currently using a build that excludes Flame Shock and Lava Burst entirely. Instead, I focus on Lightning Bolt, Earth Shock, Ice Fury (with Frost Shock procs in the queue of Lightning Bolt), Tempest, Ascendance, and Deeply Rooted Elements (DRE). I’m happy that it’s viable, though I’d recommend increasing the proc rate for DRE, as it feels quite low.

I also have a suggestion: it would be great to offer two versions of Ascendance—one that grants Keeper of Tempest for a more Lightning-focused playstyle, and another that allows Lava Burst spamming on activation.

Lastly, I believe it’s time for Lava Surge to become a talent that can be chosen, and perhaps something that can further enhance it—this way, it wouldn’t feel mandatory anymore for those who prefer not to use it.

Once again, great job on this build, and I look forward to seeing how it evolves in future patches and expansions!

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