Ele Shaman or WW Monk?

Thinking of maining one of these classes but which has more easier progression playstyle and yet very chill to level up to 80 and getting into m0/m+ and raiding (normal and heroic) and also can easy to delves without issues/struggles to t8 when comes ?

I find monk easier personally, but I’m still pretty great at both.
Honestly it simply comes down to what you ENJOY more :slight_smile:

  • For instance, I generally find class-identity and the RP story of the character + their journey to be a huge impact on my decision making when I’m caught between various classes when deciding my next go-to alt and such.

If we’re talking simply playstyle, I’d say do you enjoy range or melee playstyles better? :thinking:
Given Ele is range and WW is melee, it may play a significant factor into your enjoyment. :person_shrugging:

When deciding your main, it’s best to consider what class & spec you feel more comfortable with too :dracthyr_nod: Just because a class & spec is fantastic or terrible for one person, it doesn’t necessarily mean you will have the same experience.

From my personal opinion, I probably find ele more enjoyable for the aesthetics – but with that being said, monks mobility & utility combined is always a great deal of fun to bust around with :sweat_smile:

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I think WW Monk would be comfortable for me i do like being ranged but worried about people ganking me if i have wm on leveling from 70>80

WW is widely considered the best speed leveling spec in the game. Most speed levelers choose it.

It’s also quite strong in most aspects of the game. And you have a tanking AND healing spec to fall back on if you need variety.

Elemental shaman has historically been a pretty bad spec, but it has seen a glow-up in TWW. It’s actually surprisingly meta right now. This might be the strongest Elemental has felt in many, MANY years. Resto Shaman is also a traditionally strong spec with a lot of demand in both PvE and PvP.

In terms of play - monks are complex. They have a lot of buttons and some fairly technical rotations. They’re the second least played class in the game because of their perceived complexity (imo). Brewmasters, for example, are the most difficult tanks to play.

Elemental shaman is like one button. Sadly, in TWW, the lightning build is currently the strongest, and you spend most of your boss fights hitting Lightning Bolt. You do press Earth Shock to dump Maelstrom. You hit Storm Elemental and Stormkeeper every minute or so. And there’s some cool interactions with Primordial Wave, Flame Shock and Magma totem giving you a multi-lava burst that haste buffs you. But to be honest, it’s 85% Lightning Bolt in single target. On the 5min patchwerk sims, Elemental spends 3min40sec of 5min pressing Lightning Bolt.

Doesn’t get easier.

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i had the same dilemma.

i ended up picking monk since shaman cant be human :wink: EZ

Considering this is the thrid thread ive seen where you have asked if you should play a monk, imma say you should play a monk


This has got to be the most niche, non-relavent issue that I’ve ever heard when considering a class to play.

This will encompass like .0001% of your actual playtime. And you can always just level with WM off. It’ll slow down the 70-80 run by like, an hour at most.

Thanks a ton def will be going monk though

Ele would be easier choice with new race

It feels like they never want either spec at the top of performance charts, but both are really fun. I think WW has an easier toolkit, but Enh has a better one overall if you can optimize it.

Touch of Death is a big selling point, however, and WW feels really good right now. It actually benefits from stats this time, so I can see it being a power house for a little bit and then get nerfed.


Monk feels little meh and sleepy not that fun and alot of button/high apm

not so bad, you get a break while fists of fury or spinning crane kick channels

Still borefest while SPriest/ele is more fun and safer