Ele Shaman LF A52 guild

returning Ele shaman on A52 LF a raiding guild for ADH Bnet: Birdman#1189 Discord:Afkin

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Hello Afksham,

I’m the GM of Hawks Nest, we’re a group of returning players as well. We might be a good fit for you as we’re all returning together. Here is some info about us.

Guild/Server: Hawks Nest - Area 52
Raid Times: Wednesday/Thursday 7pm to 10pm EST
Current Progression: N/A - Plan to Begin with Amirdrassil

Were a group of friends returning to retail looking for more members to build a raid team. Leadership has been playing WoW for 20 years, and raided almost all content. We took a break to play Classic but are returning back to Retail for 10.2 and beyond! Looking to build a close tight knit group to clear content while still having a good time.

Goals: Clear Heroic for AoTC and go into Mythic for CE.
Requirements: Discord for voice comms, knowledge of your class, positive attitude.

Needs: All Roles are currently being accepted.
Recruitment Contacts: Discord: Sparhawk1981 or Discord: Elmerffudd02818

Hey! We’re <Âscension> on Area 52.

We raid Tues/Thursday 8pm-10:30pm EST.

Hit me on discord if you want to chat more.

Discord: Raemynn

check us out

Sinafay: Btag – Kitsune#1784; Discord – matron_sinafay
Chewtabacca: Btag – Chewtabacca#11193; Discord - Pookiejones

Hey!!! we are Deathshow in Area 52 we went 7/9M last tier we are currently 9/9N in the new raid moving to heroic tonight we raid Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 8pm to 11pm est if your interested you can reach me at Sig9905 on disc or Sig. #11142 on B net

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