Ele shaman ascendance, no longer has no cooldown lava bursts

Is the skill bugged or is this a new design choice? Normally when in ascendance you can cast lava burst with no cooldown for the duration. Now that isn’t the case so you have a lot of wasted time unable to cast it. Are we supposed to be casting chain lightning now or something?

  • Ascendance has been redesigned – Transform into a Flame Ascendant for 15 seconds, instantly casting a Flame Shock and a 100% effectiveness Lava Burst at up to 6 nearby enemies. While ascended, Elemental Overload damage is increased by 150% and spells affected by your Mastery: Elemental Overload cause 1 additional Elemental Overload.

  • Ascendance no longer increases the critical strike damage of Lava Burst, replaces Chain Lightning with Lava Beam, or removes the cooldown of Lava Burst.

i posted about this a couple of days ago and people just made fun of me. i hate playing some meta lightning bullcrap and love a lav aburst build i came up with. also, ascendance procs from earth shock which makes no sense at all. lava burst build is dead for me so the game is dead again in my eyes. came back after years to play war within and a few days later learned that it’s going to suck just like before

Meta lightning… its been meta lava burst for how long since at least BFA lol


i play the 2nd half of bfa and haven’t been on retail since. in bfa it was lightning with all the azarite things(i forget) but i put together an ascendance build in bfa too where people were shocked in a raid i did because everyone else play the “must play this way” spec.

The Ascendance change makes it build agnostic unlike the previous one which assumed you played a Fire build.


They are trying to move away from ‘fire talents’ and ‘lightning talents’. Ascendance for elemental has always been strictly fire based. Now it works for any build.

Admittedly, losing the ability to spam lava bursts will be a downgrade for players that liked it. But as someone who wants to use the whole elemental kit, I like this new Ascendance mechanically.

My only concern is that I don’t like it when you are forced to stack one stat like mastery in this case.

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