Ele shaman and bm hunter

fix these two specs and the game might actually be enjoyable for people again. absolutely disgusting specs.

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I agree nerf DH


I agree. Buff boomkin.

I feel like ele shaman isn’t even remotely that bad.


Agreed. They have that big ascendence burst but sustain feels a bit meh.

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that “big ascendance burse” just gets peeled by micro cc if the team is over 2k lmao. WF spec is trash. defensives aren’t even that bad, but mobility is still garbage. can’t even touch mages or dev evokers for 60% of the game. enh is very matchup based from what i’ve seen so far this expansion.

You know what. You are right. Delete ele shamans. Problem solved!

Ele is literally in a solid spot right now…??

BM is ok… needs a slight dmg nerf imo. but nothing too big.

Overall, the game feels pretty good other than devokers soloing me with disintegrate spam ticking for 400-700k.

edit- are you talking about enhance or ele?? This whole thread is confusing.

Tbh outside the million dps opener with an unpeeled ascendance

You’re not at all oppressive as ele

Their burst is ridiculous op. Other than that, their sustained dmg isnt too bad. The bulwark absorb totem needs to be adjusted and so does their self healing. Way too high for stuff thats insta cast. I play bm and agree the dmg is insane while you have an entire zoo of pets on ppl.

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Nah the bulwark totem is purgable and is a 3 min cd, nerfing that makes no sense. Healing surge is not instant, it is a cast, the ancestor heal is instant but doesnt do that much. Enhance has instant healing surge but the person you responded to was talking about ele. Ele is prob the easiest ranged to kill, not by much but it is usually the kill target.

I think ele is probably the most balanced of the casters right now. It is killable, has counters, its mobility is average, its burst is dangerous but outside of that it just does decent sustain.

BM i could agree needs a small damage nerf but thats about it. For a spec that has aoe purge, unlimited mobility, no concern for interrupts, the ability to kill through LoS and good defensives it probably shouldnt be outdpsing the rest of the ranged/casters imo. Its also extremely easy to play, but that matters less than the rest. Edit: Also bm hunter has MS

Expalin them self healing/absorbing almost for 20m in a quick 2’s match… See it all the time. Never once casting an actual heal.

I mean I play ele it does not have instant healing surges, you might be seeing ancestor healing surges (they use healing surge when earth shield is applied if a stack is missing) as those are instant. The totem absorbs a lot of damage, sure, but it is purgable. If you are a hunter complaining about the totem idk what to tell you, press tranq shot. The initial absorb is the only big one, the others are small (250kish every 5 sec for 30 sec) but can also be purged. It is also a 3 minute cd, weaker than most 3 minute CDs due to being purgable. The totem is also killable but has 1.5m hp or so. You can get ele to rotate through at least wall+totem before either of them come back in many cases, you should be able to kill in between those two, and if they have burrow you can kill after that is rotated out.

However 2s doesn’t really matter much here, balance is not done for 2s.

ele is fine

bm and feral need a 5% damage nerf each on all abilities

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Just using tranq doesnt guarantee it will purge that when they have other buffs, and killing a 1.5m hp totem isnt ideal when youre in the thick of it. I get what youre saying, but its not like theyre standing theyre waiting for you to purge their stuff… They usually pop that and dmg cd and go to nuketown on your a$$ , so tranq and killing a totem arent the best options when theyre lighting your stuff up. And 2’s should matter. This excuse that they only balance around this or that is getting old. Just like healers in 2’s… They are massively overtuned for it and shouldnt be in them imo.

It isn’t an excuse, its just a statement about how things are. Devs have said before they do not tune around 2s, they tune around 3s and I assume blitz now too probably.

A spec that is OP in 2s should not get nerfed actually, not unless it is also OP in 3s. There is a bracket thats more popular, and that is 3s/solo shuffle, nerfing specs that don’t need to be nerfed in 3s/shuffle for the sake of 2s just will not happen.

And i also disagree that its overtuned in 2s. That is objectively wrong. Ill give some data below

At 2400 ele isn’t even present in 2s. At 2200 theres 1 Ele shaman compared to 26 druids (17 ferals) 22 monks, 21 hunters, 19 rogues, 13 pallies, 11 warriors. So i think you may be focusing on the wrong things, and your response to me about the counters to stone bulwark totem are just excuses, you can purge even while getting attacked. Ele has no MS, so it will have far less representation than specs that do and that is already enough to keep ele out of 2s. At 1800, theres 104 ele shamans, want to guess how many warriors/rogues/hunters/ferals there are?

Just because you dont know how to play against it doesn’t mean it is overtuned. And you very clearly do not know how to deal with it.

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So while a shaman is going balls deep down my throat nuking me, i should be hitting tranq shot and killing his totem ? Hahahaha. You clearly have no clue dude. And i didnt say ele shams are overtuned for 2’s, i said healers in general are and they need to address it. 2’s, although not quite as popular as 3’s and shuffle, is still popular and shouldnt be ruled by healer/X comps.

Do you not know what to do when another spec pops its cds? First, the shield from the totem is a 3mil absorb, so you can either break through that, or kill the 1.5m health totem with no DR while ccing the ele. The third option you have is trying to tranq it off, but killing the totem is better since it stops the other small shields ele gets over 30 sec.

To help slow down/stop damage, you have binding shot, can take ice trap, you have intim, and on top of that you also have an MS that reduces healing -and- damage done by 20%. You can throw that on the ele during asc to reduce damage by 20% and then the healer outside of that. Like what are you doing when an ele is blasting? It is not some unstoppable machine, it is prone to cc and you can create plenty of distance as a hunter, its mostly dangerous during asc or asc proc. You also have a blanket silence lol.

I’m sorry but complaining about eles survivability especially coming from a spec that has even better survivability, damage, cc and mobility is just interesting. Not to mention your class has a direct counter to it.

I won’t argue that dps specs in general need a defensive prune, but singling out the most killable ranged target in the game is very funny.