Ele Sham, MW Monk, Ret/Prot Pally LF Heroic Raiding

Hello everybody.

Title says if all. We are all 415+. We are also very active in mythic plus so a guild that does that, as well, would be a bonus. We want to raid heroic. Thanks for your interest.

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I know you are only looking for heroic raids. But, if you ever consider mythic raiding, we are looking for more for 8.2

Parasomnia on Area52 is recruiting competitive raiders committed to personal improvement, as well as contributing to a professional and collaborative team environment.

Raid times:
-Tues/Wed/Thurs 9:30pm-12:30am PST (12:30am-3:30am EST)

Team Goals:
-Mythic Progression with Cutting Edge as the goal.

  • Currently 8/8M 6/9M

About Parasomnia:
-Our team leads have CE experience from previous tiers/expansions, and we are looking to develop our team this expansion focusing on personal and raid progression, and most importantly team synergy built on the foundation of trust with like minded individuals.

Team Expectations:
-We expect all raiders to hold themselves to a high standard of Professionalism, Progression and Collaboration between team members.

-We expect each raid member to contribute to the greater well being of the team. This means coming to raid prepared each raid night with their specs fully optimized (simC/Raidbots/Pawn/Stat Weights) when it comes to gems, enchants, talents, consumables and are using the appropriate add-on/weakauras to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.

-We expect each team member to come prepared knowing the strategies for each boss before entering raid by taking a look at strat/kill videos/warcraftlogs replays.

-We expect all raiders to be able to take constructive criticism well so they can look into their own logs/wowanalyzer to improve their gameplay wherever it is needed.

-Wonka#1307 (Discord Wonka82#8402) - Recruitment
-Cmplex#1798 (Discord Cmplex#6174) - Team Leader


< Final Onslaught > [H] Kil’Jaeden is a guild looking to fill out our roster for mythic progression currently 3/9M. We raid sun/mon 7-10 PST. Most members just started to get their feet wet in mythic a few weeks ago. We have had to pug the past few weeks but hoping that will end soon!! needing just a few more people. we also almost always have people running keys. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me in game Labinac#1905. Or on discord Labinac#7821
 we have multiple people who just raid heroic. heroic is ran on different days so if there is any interest please hit me up!

Sunset Riders is a newly formed guild of friends and compatriots. Raiding 2 nights a week, we are a casual no drama guild! So far, we have achieved 6/9 heroic in Battle of Dazar’alor, and are 2/2 Normal, and 1/2 Heroic in Crucible of Storms. Working on Mekkatorque, and Uu’nat in the coming weeks, hoping to achieve AoTC before 8.2 hits.

We also run mythic pluses, and generally have fun with each other.

We raid on Wednesday and Friday from 7 pm to 9:30 pm server time. We are also starting up an alt-run Normal raid on Saturday nights as well, to gear up our alts, and evaluate potential recruits.

Currently, we are mainly seeking reliable DPS (Warlock / Shadow Priest) for progression. Item level of 390+, with knowledge of fight mechanics and a desire to learn and push content. Other classes will be considered of course, as well as skilled players with a lower item level.

We strive for a mature, stress free raiding experience.

We also have several Role Players. We plan out events, currently scheduled on Friday nights, and Sunday, but also love spontaneous role play any day of the week. So we do seek role players as well, who don’t necessarily have to or want to raid, just to have fun!

We are still a small, growing guild, but we like to do a lot together, and are fairly active in game and on discord. contact me in discord at laskaland#1301

Hello! Your group of 3 sounds like a perfect fit for Undying Resolution!

Who we are:
Undying Resolution is a semi-hardcore guild on the Alliance US Elune server recruiting for our Heroic raiding. We strive to create a raid atmosphere that pushes progression in a reduced amount of time, striving to clear raid content while it is current. We understand that people have families, jobs, and lives outside of the raid. We are a long-running guild with strong leadership and maintained active raiding since WOTLK.

Current Tier Progress: 9/9H 1/9M BoD 2/2N 1/2H (5% wipe) CoS

Who you are:
You are over the age of 18 and are mature, team oriented, and well versed at your class. You show up to raids on time and are prepared with consumables (guild bank provides as many consumables as we can). You study the fights ahead of time and exhibit patience for progression. You communicate with officers about potential scheduling conflicts and most of all, have fun!

Raid Times:
Weds/Thurs 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EST (required for raiders)
Friday/Saturday we have a few m+ groups.
Sunday 8 to 11 pm EST (Optional raids typically consisting of achievements, alt raids, M+ or farm content).

Recruitment Openings:
DPS: All
Healers: All

All Applications are Accepted!

For More info:
If you are interested in joining us at Undying Resolution, please visit our website http://www.undyingresolution.com

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact:

Ranico#1430 bnet
Ranico#0303 discord

House of Zug: Tues/Thurs (8:30-12:00 am EST) Heroic Raiding Guild 9/9 Heroic BoD & 2/2 Heroic Crucible

Who we are: We’re a two night progression guild that’s been raiding since 2011 on US-Area 52. Most are professionals of some sort, who appreciate everyone’s time but want to get things done. Have yet to miss an AOTC, and have numerous members willing/capable of handling 10+ Mythic dungeons.

Check us out at www.houseofzug.com or contact us on bnet Atian#1526 or Direglaive#2356 in discord.


Extraordinary Raiders. Real Progression. Casual Schedule.

House of Zug (est. May 24, 2011) is a progression-focused Warcraft raiding guild, operating within a two-night weekly schedule. We offer efficient, fun progression to professionals, students, and parents with exceptional skills and limited gaming availability.

House of Zug has raided uninterrupted since establishment and maintains the highest standards of professionalism and transparency. Our officers are real-life managers and professionals who volunteer their exceptional leadership skills to deliver a fun, mature, and productive gameplay experience for our members.

Please visit our website to see the dedication and passion of our community.

Website: www.houseofzug.com

Contact: Atian#1526 Direglaive#2356 in discord

Realm: US-Area 52 (PVE)

Faction: Horde

Timezone: US-East Coast

Raid Times: Tuesdays & Thursdays. 8:15 PM - 12:00 AM (Eastern)

Check out our recruitment video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqjCCTHGa6s&amp;amp;feature=youtu.be



Even though we are progression focused, House of Zug is a relaxed and fun-loving community. We work together to improve and accept fair and respectful criticism when appropriate. We love to joke during farm content, but during progression, expect clear, calm, and direct communication. Member age is roughly 25 to 45—many of whom have families and full-time careers outside of the guild.


House of Zug believes in a shared approach to raiding. Our members actively participate in events and community discussions and work with the raid leaders both inside and outside of raiding to form and improve upon our tactics. Our guild forums are heavily utilized, and all members are encouraged to take up leadership roles within the community. ​


House of Zug is a long-standing guild that has run uninterrupted since inception. We enjoy extremely low turnover, and our members rarely burnout due to our lightweight schedule. We respect your time by always starting and ending raids according to schedule. ​​


House of Zug fits a perfect niche in the raiding community. As a two-night guild, we attract many top-tier players who cannot commit to the unforgiving schedule of a server-first raid team. Moreover, as a flexible guild, our members do not have to feel like they are letting down their team by missing a raid night every once in awhile.


We treat Warcraft like a sport. Sports are games and should be fun. However, they also require discipline and teamwork. Although we only raid seven hours per week, we give 100% during that window. Raids are well-paced and efficient. Our raiders understand that their responsibility to the team stems beyond raid times.


Our website and forums are dedicated to providing raiders the resources necessary to take their game-play to the next level. When the officers give feedback, it is specific and factually-based. House of Zug prioritizes improvement and attitude above all else and promotes a culture that rewards mechanics over out-of-context meters.


House of Zug never rejects members based on raid performance, gear, or skill–only attitude. Any applicant who shares our values and vision is a welcome member of House of Zug. If an applicant does not currently meet the requirements to raid with the Progression Team, our officers will work with him or her to outline the specific areas for improvement needed to participate in high-end raids. If you are willing to put in the work, you will eventually make the team!


We respect the time, diversity, and integrity of every player and will not tolerate those who do not. Our officers combine over 25-years guild and raid leadership to bring you the best possible gaming experience which does NOT include yelling, name-calling, or other non constructive forms of communication. ​


House of Zug runs a transparent guild. Every policy, action, system, and event is clearly posted on the website. Upcoming and changing policies are discussed in our Guild News feed and posted to discord & our website.

Visit Our Website to learn more


Although we’re a mythic raiding guild, we’re looking to push AOTC within the first few weeks of Azshara’s Eternal Palace, and would be happy to have you join us for that. We also push M+ and do PvP (RBGs, Arena) throughout the week in addition to the odds and ends (achievement runs, etc.), so we’re not one of those guilds that only logs in for raid night.

Our guild info is below if you’d like to check us out. If you’re interested and would like to discuss, surjective#11563 is my btag. Happy hunting :smiley:

<Alliance Lives Matter> Connected Realms- Scilla, Zuluhed, Andorhal and Ursin

Currently 9/9M BoD [ce] , 2/2H CoS 9/9H BoD, 8/8M Uldir [ce] , 11/11M Antorus [cutting edge]. We are #1 server on our server group.

Currently US 140 for Mythic BoD. Killed Jaina multiple times before the hardcore nerfs and reclear her every week.


Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 disc+holy priest, 1 holy paladin, 2 ranged dps(strong preference for warlock, ele sham, s priest) 1 dps with strong tank off spec, prefer monk or warrior
 Potentially 1 stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one of our high priority classes.

We also recruit normal and heroic only raiders for our normal and heroic raids. We have many awesome less hardcore players that join us for heroic and normal to learn from our mythic raiders. This is a very active and growing guild. Our raiders do not just log on to raid and than disappear.

Guild Goals: To full clear mythic BoD in a timely competitive fashion (US 250 Minimum) [COMPLETED; cut our US ranking in HALF] and all future mythic raid tiers going forward in a quick and competitive manner. We set our goals and then we do what it takes to meet them. We do meet our goals. Period. We started antorus 6 months late and burned our way through cutting edge Antorus. This IS a cutting edge raiding guild with structure and organization.

Raid Schedule
[Mythic] Thursday 8:30pm-10:30pm cst
[Mythic] Sat/Sun 3:30-7:30 pm central.
[Heroic] Tuesday is our heroic night for our mythic raiders/sales run 8:30 central to 11:00pm. This run is optional but highly recommended for gear sharing.
[Heroic] Wednesday- Open to our heroic team raiders, mythic raiders, and mythic raider alts. run 8:30 central to 11:00. This team full clears heroic easily as well.
[Normal] Friday open to anyone 8:30 central to 10:00.

We push people to get 1 heroic clear and 1 mythic 10 plus a week done. This is * required for our mythic raiders. As long as there is forging in the game people should be fishing for titanforges.

More about the guild: We do it all, we aren’t just raiders. We are extremely active guild, the most active on the server, and more active than most servers/guilds. Our people do not just log on for raids once or twice a week. Our average age range is 28-35. We enjoy PvP- arenas, rbgs, bgs, wpvp, Mythic+, achievements. We have a very laid back but like to get stuff done kind of atmosphere when it is not raid time. When it is raid time, we get focused and serious and competitive in a non toxic results oriented manner. Very active and supportive guild filled with awesome human beings. Our raiders are competitive players always striving to better themselves. Flasks and feasts and vantus runes are provided for all progression raiding. We constantly analyze logs and push for improvement. We do not settle for mediocrity in any of our members so by being a part of this guild you will become a better player and person. This is just a small taste of our guild. Please contact an officer to have any questions or concerns addressed.

If you’re interested in raiding with us or would just like to join the guild feel free to contact Nebulaphobia, our recruitment officer.

BTag: Ashe#1789

Discord: Ashie#6243

In Game: Nebulaphobia-Scilla

Hi Beersnob,

Looks like you guys are looking for something like what we do, every person in our guild gets a 10+ each week and if they raise it to 15 we will all do that and so on. We also have some that try to climb and do 15-18’s etc. Check out our info below.

Retaliation is a heroic progression guild that has been raiding and PvPing in various games for over 10 years. We enjoy giving each other a hard time while still being successful.

Retaliation raids on Tuesday and Wednesday nights 8 PM to 10 PM ET. We use Discord for voice communication and go with a work hard play hard mentality. We also require a mythic+ to be completed each week to assist with progression.

More details - AOTC Guild Recruiting - Come give each other crap with us!

Please if interested reach out to Isego#1586

Lets chat!!
<Comfortably Rum> looking for a few more dedicated skilled players. We want a chill raid environment that still looks to progress. We have successfully been achieving that goal for last few expansions now while having a good time. We have lost a few people not really feeling BFA or just taking a break till 8.2 so looking for more to join our raiding roster. We are a heroic raiding AOTC/Meta Achiev with a few mythics.

Raid Times: Wed and Thurs 8-10:30pm
1/9 M 9/9H 1/2 Hcos
RBG - Friday at 9
Sat - Fun Run
make a drink!

Needs: Mage/Hunter/B Druid/War/DK
DPS - Will consider all vet players looking for a home

Casuals and alts of all levels welcomed!
If interested contact Mayching. Mayabella BT = Maybella#1211

<The Crusade> Horde guild on Thrall is currently looking to fill out their Team 2 roster. We’re a laid back and friendly group with the aim of AOTC each tier, possibility of Mythic and M+ through the week. We’re currently looking for dps/heals for our raids on Tuesday and Wednesday from 8-10pm EST. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, feel free to reach out to me on Discord (Aestyria#3508) or Bnet (Aeoweyth#1961)

Hello Beersnob!

We are seeking mature gamers to join our established guild on US-Korgath. Having completed 2/2H Crucible of Storms and 9/9H + 2/9M Battle of Dazar’alor, we are now in the process of recruiting for Heroic/Mythic progression in Azshara’s Eternal Palace. We have achieved every AOTC achievement since they were introduced, but we are now looking to recruit to push Mythic progression!

We raid Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30-11:30 PM (Central).

We have flexible attendance policies in place to accommodate your professional and personal obligations, but we do expect that raid members will make the majority of raid nights, and will be well-prepared for any boss encounters that they participate in.

< Grown Ups > was established late in The Burning Crusade expansion, and has been raiding end-game content for over a decade. We’re not just a flash in the pan! Our roster consists of skilled, adult players, who balance a passion for gaming with work and family.

I think you would make a good fit! Let me know if you are interested. You could also add me on BattleNet or Discord to chat further:


Hey Beersnob and friends!
We might be a good home for you if you’re open to raiding horde (we were alliance but recently xferred during the Blizz sale). We have been looking for an Ele Shammy and Ret Pally and one of our healers just had to go dps 'cause of work.

Quick Details:
Guild: Secret Door
Realm: Illidan
Faction: Horde
Raid Days: Tues/Thurs
Raid Times: 9pm-12 ET
Progression: 8/8 H, 2/8M Uldir, 9/9H BoD, 2/2H CoS (All AotC of course)

Guild started in the middle-end of WoD with a wide range of skill levels (Mythic level players and brand new people). We worked to get AotC in every raid in Legion and we kept up the trend this xpac also.

Most raid nights we have 15-17 people. We’d be down to step into mythic if we have the numbers and people are interested, but that’s not our main deal. We’re mostly a Heroic guild and we all have lives outside of game that preclude any serious Mythic progression at this time.

As long as you guys are ok with off-color jokes and banter we’d probably be a great home for you guys.

Hope to hear from you.
Discord: Anda#0691
Bnet: Anda#1503

Hi there Friends!

I’m Jay with Moted. Find my spam below and lets talk!! We’re just what you’re looking for!

Located on Area-52 a highly populated Horde server, Moted is an AotC/early mythic focused guild that enjoys raiding in a lighter atmosphere. We run m+10’s and higher weekly for the entire guild. We offer cauldrons and feasts, as well as guild repairs for raiders. We have many former top end CE raiders who aren’t interested in playing the game like that anymore. We just destroy heroic, dabble in mythic, get our 10’s and higher in but most of all, HAVE FUN! We’re a community that has been together for a very long time, we enjoy our game time, it’s not stressful or a shout-fest! it’s a joke/booze/laughter filled 3 hours!

We raid Tue & Thu from 8p-11p EST with an optional ‘fun-run’ on Monday. 1/9M, 9/9H, 2/2H

Discord(preferred): Jaystir#1204
Bnet: Jaystir#1960

Hello there Beersnob : ) The Veil is always looking to add more strong raiders (and friends!) to our roster. Our blurb is below - look forward to hearing from you!

<The Veil> is a raiding guild on Stormrage-US. We aim to push progression within a competitive 2-day (6 hour) schedule while still maintaining a fun and positive atmosphere. We treat each other with respect, seek high performance, excellent game-play and a positive attitude. Drama and toxic behavior are not tolerated here.

Raiding only 2 nights a week means we want our players to be the best they can be. Our members have families, careers, and studies, so we need to take the 6 hours we spend together seriously.

We also run Mythic + most days of the week. For some of us pushing high level keys is our primary WoW focus, but we also strive to make sure our raiders are getting their capped weekly rewards.

Raid Schedule:

Tuesday: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm (EST/server time)
Thursday: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm (EST/server time)

Optional: Monday: 5pm – 8pm “Alt”/fun run on re-clears & lower difficulty (pending participation)

You must be able to reliably make the core raid nights with near 100% attendance. Real life does occasionally hit even the most reliable raider, all we ask is for as much notice as possible.

Current Needs:

We strive for an environment that takes the challenges of mythic raiding seriously while giving the content the respect it deserves. Our aim is, as all mythic teams, full clear of content but with always keeping the friendly spirit of camaraderie alive. We do not require mythic raid experience to join our team but we do expect mythic-level dedication and accountability from all of our raiders. You must be able to take constructive criticism and have ownership over your level of play, and be willing to put in the effort to be a contribution to the team.

We want someone that is going to put forth their best effort. This means knowing your class inside and out, coming to raid prepared with food, flask, runes, re-roll tokens, knowledge of upcoming encounters and your role within them. We are looking for someone who can think on their own and follow a strategy without being constantly reminded throughout the encounter.

Heals – all (preference for monk, priest)

Ranged DPS – all (preference for warlock, shaman, boomkin)

Melee DPS – all (preference for shaman, warrior, demon hunter)

Tanks – all (preference for paladin, warrior)

Exceptional players of any class should always feel free to apply. Our roster is somewhat flexible so we will never turn away a great player. We just want the best 20+ people in our raid so we can progress.

What we expect from you:

** Discord and a working mic is a requirement **

  • Be punctual, reliable, and competent
  • Have a good attitude towards raiding. While we do our best to have fun, our goal is to use our time efficiently and effectively.
  • Have the ability to take constructive criticism. We all make mistakes but repeating mistakes is the bane of progression. Understand your mistakes, learn from them and fix them.
  • Bring consumables: We expect raiders to bring flasks, potions, and some food in case we don’t provide feasts. While we may not pre-pot or food buff on initial pulls, it is expected that during serious attempts, all raiders are maximizing their output.

Our trial period is 2-3 weeks and in that time we consider a several factors - Performance, Situational Awareness, and Fit/Attitude/Attendance. Performance is your output (DPS/healing/threat). Situational Awareness is your ability to not take unnecessary damage and correctly execute fight mechanics. Fit/Attitude/Attendance is how well you fit in with the guild, your outlook on raiding, and your reliability in raids.

Please contact an officer for further information.

In-game: Cattiari | Btag: quirk#1650 | Discord: tipsqueak#6606

In-game: Deathtoany | Btag: cloud82#11941 | Discord: cloud82#5884

Thanks for reading, and we look forward to meeting some great new recruits!

Who are we?

Alpha Intent is a group of laidback old school players looking to progress through end-game content in BFA while also having a great time! We know how to have fun and keep it light, but also understand that as soon as the pull timer starts ticking down its time to focus. We are striving to create a positive community within our guild, all current guild members devote their time outside of raids to help gear alts and newer players. Have a rotation question? Have a best in slot question? Question about a particular encounter? We have the answers! And we will take the time to help you understand the answers and improve as a player!

What are we looking for?

Currently we are recruiting all classes and roles (any ilvl/any experience level) for Mythic + groups, raiding and pvp. However, we want players with positive attitudes that are focused on constantly improving their performance when it comes to spell rotations/boss mechanics. We expect that our raiders come prepared with flasks/food and general knowledge of encounters. We also expect 100% attendance for raids that you sign up for.

Schedule: 7-10pst tuesday/wednesday/thursday

Please PM any of the below contacts for more info.





Since no contact info shown, send me or our recruitment officer a friend request to talk more if interested.

Armageddon Industries
Adult (ages 21+, 30+ preferred) Heroic AotC & M+ guild.
**T/Th 11pm-2am EST. **

Our team is returning from a wow raiding break. We were spending our raid time in other games during the break, but are excited to be back for 8.2 and are LF new blood to add to our team & multi game community.

We do meta achieves when they are current, xmog/mount/achievement farming, and have a high desire to push more M+.

For more info see our current recruitment post.

Guild Master / Raid Lead
bnet = Armageddon#1974
discord = Skybolt#2791

Recruitment Officer
Battletag ID - Mirielle#1541
Discord ID - Miriel#2724

Hey buddy we are family oriented guild on Spinebreaker. Autonomy is the guild name. We raid tues/wed 730pm pst - 930pm pst 9/9H 3/9M 2/2H. we also have a 90+ community. We do alt runs/key runs through out the week as well. No loot qq big egos or favortism here! we are setting up for 8.2 Send me a message thiz#11864

Hello Beer,

I think we may be a good fit for you guys.

The Basics:
Name: Random Playlist (Established 2009)
Realm: Hyjal
Raid Times: 6:30 to 10:00pm PST Wed & Thur

Current Progression
CoS – 2/2 H
BoD – 3/9 M

Past Progression - When Current
Uldir – 2/8 M

Contact Information:
Bitbits#1540 (Super Sassy Pants)
Mel#1879 (Stuck in the 80’s)

For further info please check out our recruitment thread or visit our website:
Guild Site: www.hyjalrandomplaylist
Forum Post: [H] Random Playlist 2/9M LFM Raid & Casual

Us in a nutshell:
I guess you could classify us as a Heroic guild that always manages AOTC for each tier, with the occasional sprinkle of a few Mythic kills. We strive to create a fun environment for all types of players ranging from a variety of backgrounds from the super casual to the more dedicated raider. If this sounds entertaining or interesting to you, or if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to check us out using the contact information above.


We can accommodate all of you into our core.

Renegades is a Horde raiding guild on Trollbane. We raid on Saturday and Sunday evenings from 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. EST. We are currently 9/9H and 4/9M in BoD and 2/2H in CoS.

The guild was formed in May 2010 with a focus on community, and we pride ourselves on balancing a friendly environment with pushing Mythic progression. If you’re looking for a guild where raiders push progression at the expense of the people that they’re raiding with, we are not the right guild for you. But if you’re looking for a place to kill Mythic bosses with a quality team of players, I would welcome the opportunity to talk to you and tell you more about our guild.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss our guild and raiding environment further, please add my BattleTag, Zaranna#1449.

Thank you for your consideration.