Blizzard - can you please just revert every design change you’ve made to the spec this patch? Your intern’s ideas aren’t working. Thanks!
Realistically its just the massive loss of Pwave that is hurting the spec so badly. The random change to ele Pwave was terrible, has been a huge topic amongst ele shamans everywhere and somehow still nothing is said or done about it.
We lost a ton of cleave damage (Lava burst+overloads) and single target damage (Earth shocks) from the Pwave change as it now generates literally no maelstrom. 3 maelstrom lmao. And it does like 200k damage per target. Its so bad its unbelievable. Also lost the flame shock application too and didnt get more anywhere else.
They had such a good rework done to this spec for both pve and pvp, put a lot of effort into getting it right, and then they took 5 steps back. I dont get it.
I’ll never understand blizz’s design methods.
They ignore the specs that need help, and ruin the specs that don’t need anything.
Like, do you guys want us to play your game? lol
No, just revert Pwave. I’m enjoying the PvP damage change and storm conduit for cooldowns.
thisssssssssss thoooooo
giving pvp storm conduit n not pve is craaaazy
It really makes no sense. The season 1 rework felt great and was a lot of fun. Then they come in and completely butcher the spec for no reason. Hence my intern comment - it’s like they have someone with no game dev experience making changes with no supervision.
The primordial wave change is both a giant nerf to dps, and more importantly, a giant nerf to FUN. Needs to be reverted ASAP.
The pvp-specific changes to overloads that followed completely destroy the feel of the spec, along with its power. The entire spec is based around overloads…several of our talents interact with or buff overloads, and our main dps cooldown (Ascendance - pay attention intern) is completely based on overloads to deal damage and be threatening. The lazy bandaid fix that was applied to compensate for the gigantic 60% nerf to overloads is not enough. This change should also just be reverted, and real dev time needs to be spent on a REAL solution if elemental is indeed too overpowered (I’ll save you the time, it wasn’t).
To be honest, with what I know about their class development its very very possible they had nobody working on Ele because Ele just got its rework, had all of its tuning done and was in a very good place in both pvp and pve (maybe slightly too good in pvp potentially), so they could shift that dev over to whatever other specs he/she works on usually.
Not all devs work on the whole class, some work on individual specs ie enhance sham dev could also work on ret and arms war while never touching ele/resto.
With that in mind, if I had to guess, they were aiming to keep prim wave the same across all specs (hence why resto got theirs removed and baked in passively via a talent), which is also why it was copy pasted from enhancements notes into elementals despite not having any similarities in prim wave gameplay but they did not have time to get to ele and the enhance dev who made this change did not have the time or ability to work on elemental to fix it up. Its also possible the dev who worked on ele previously left or got promoted or moved to a diff department etc so they did not have someone to go and fix up this change for ele.
Reality is though, they never should have tried changing it across both specs like this. The copy pasted dev note is really sad to see imo because its so objectively inaccurate for elemental. The most they should have done was just change Prim Waves name in Elementals tree to something else so the names weren’t the same. Hopefully they revert this.
Personally I enjoy being a little underpowered. 1) it gives me an excuse. 2) Shamans every expansion are the fotm. They’re everywhere. This Maia the population down a little
Coming back to my Shaman I was shocked, actually shocked at the pwave change. First I looked at the rsham changes and I was like, this is pretty good stuff. Pwave built in now for cleave, no more earth shield refresh, ok. Then I looked at ele and I immediately realized why it’s been so bad in PvP.
We got absolutely got. Finally the replaced that art after waiting 3 years, and they turn it into an absolute dud.
Not sure I’d agree with ele shaman being a traditional FOTM spec…
yeah we got got for sure. The change for resto was pretty great, reduced button bloat and baked it in nicely, enhance change was awesome we got a new button that looks sick and does a ton of damage and also reduced button bloat via not having to press lightning bolt, and ele just got owned.
Class I meant. Shamans are a huge fotm class
lol but 10 characters