Ele Primordial Wave is not worth taking and is bad

Primordial wave was fine and easy to use if your IQ is above 80.

You’re not a shammy person, but you’re in the specific shaman forum? discussing shaman things? lol. k.

okay, again idk and i dont care. im just here to say sims are accurate and a good metric of your specs capabilities in st. its a tool to be used and like how those freaks always say. facts dont care about your feelings

brother, you are a warlock talking about shammy things

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Cool. Don’t care.

BrOtHeR, my warlock is my character on the forums and has been for a while because I don’t care to change it.

I’ve quite literally said, in this forum thread, that my shaman IS my main and HAS BEEN for quite some time. Reading is hard.

Welcome to ignore bud. Typical ret pally.

I don’t get takes like this. Admittedly I can’t speak for PvP. But to say that Ele is virtually unplayable in PvE is just insane to me. Because it just is not true. Not even a little bit.

Does the PWave change suck and cost us damage? Yes, 100%
Is it less fun to play? Same answer.
Does this change make the specc “virtually unplayable in PvE”? Not even close.

I appreciate that the reaction to this change is vehement and I love that so many people are coming out to communicate their dissatisfaction.
But there is no reason to come out with overblown and demonstrably untrue statements like that.
The change can be terrible and the specc can still be fine performance wise. Both things can be true at the same time.

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idk why your being so aggressive out right.

it sucks that pwave changed, and i get the frustration after some resource (askingwordup) you should voice your opinion on how its a dog change. but you dont need to be a dick about it. im legit just here to tell you sims are accurate and you shouldnt shoo them away cause you personally think its wrong (sims are correct for farseer)

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I just demonstrated how it is true. You can’t have a nerf like this and be viable. In Shuffles I can’t do half the damage of other players and still win its just not going to happen. Ele’s win condition is basically to do overwhelming damage. Now that’s not possible. In PvE the nerf will be felt even more because you can FS up to 6 people, unlike Solo Shuffles where you are limited to 3 unless there are pets.

Again, I cannot speak for PvP whatsoever.

I can say for PvE: In raid you will still play Primordial Wave because it summons Ancestors.
In mythic plus you will just completely pivot out of Primordial Wave and invest into other talents. So the ability to FS up to 6 targets is irrelevant insofar as you completely ignore FS in AoE situations.

None of that makes the specc unplayable in PvE. It’s going to be fine in raid. Not great, not terrible.
And it looks like it is going to be quite strong in mythic plus.

I guess we will see. Check back in a couple weeks to see who was right?

I was about to say that I was certain this existed before. I think it might have been Legion or BFA, I know Legion had something to do with Elemental strength.

Ancestor CD reduction aside, Sky Breakers Fiery Demise also allowed for insane Elemental uptime based around Flame Shock, at least when viable. Nothing about this tier set is new, nor is it particularly fun imo.

set a reminder for your post a month from now.^^

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My subscription is paid through the 21st so lets do it then. If its not fixed by then I am out anyways.

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these changes feel so bad. the whole point of primordial wave was that it was lava bursts doing the damage, meaning it also took the crit buff from targets with flame shock. So not only did we lose synergies, the spell itself is weaker than lava burst. It’s just a dps loss.


You’re right about it being a damage nerf but the sequence you described actually is a bit off but it highlights another reason why the change is bad. Optimally, you’d want to PW before Ascendance since you’re losing a GCD in Ascendance since PW gains nothing from being casted in Ascendance. Another important thing is that if you are playing Elemental Equilibrium you would want to Pwave before in order to buff the Lava Bursts that Ascendance is doing when you hit it which you wouldn’t get doing it as you described. We now are doing the sequence as you described (Ascendance > PW) which means losing a GCD and not buffing our Ascendance Lava Burst with Elemental Equilibrium when doing this with multiple targets.

However its even worse when doing an opener in single target with Farseer since you will need do Storm Ele > Stormkeeper > Lava Burst precast > Flame Shock > Pwave (AS macroed in) > Ascendance vs what did prior (Storm Ele > Stormkeeper > Pwave (AS macroed in)> Ascendance). Before PW, SK, and Ascendance were used in sequence which helped reduce desync. Now we’re desyncing SK from PW by 2ish GCDs and Ascendance by 3 GCDs. Not everyone is perfect and desync of CDs occur in the previous season, but this new opener would be lead to larger desync issues. Other issues come up with SK and Pwave being desynced meaning you either have to use SK and then hit other spells other than CL or Lighting Bolt which likely means needing to spend which you want to save for doing in Grandpa windows for Elemental Equilibrium and having more insta cast on deck for Grandpas.

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The sequence I described isn’t ideal but it illustrates the damage nerf. In pvp PW also can drop Totem of Wrath which increase the crit bonus by 15%. The nerf is still substantial enough to make Ele in PvP, regardless of hero tree, useless. I played Stormbringer all of S1. I started playing back Lightning Bolts with Volcanic Surge back when DH and Rets could dispel FS making life miserable. Even Stormbringer relies on PW for damage, haste, and maelstrom.

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Ah gotcha that makes sense I forgot about totem of wrath being dropped by PW.

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For elemental, honestly I feel absolutely GUTTED with the change they made to Primordial Wave.

I’m not sure I really want to play shaman anymore.
Thinking of either hanging my shaman up & rerolling — or just unsubbing for awhile.

Hoping they change it back — at least for elemental – to the season 1 variation of Primordial Wave. :dracthyr_nod:


Pwave sux now. Revert it!!