Ele need a nerf

This is a pre-patch without hero talent. Balancing a this point makes no sense. Give feetback if a spec is boring to play.


Thereā€™s always specs that get to be OP in every xpac pre-patch, why you hating on Ele shamans getting their turn?


because it is making every other class not fun to play. Why would i play anything else when shaman is just the easiest way to one hit someone?

This state of the game will only last a few weeks.

This isnā€™t even a flavor of the month situation. Itā€™s a flash in the pan. Balance has shifted toward 80, nothing is as it should be. Itā€™ll even out soon.

ele literally has the best survivability after the rework. get out of here. you have all the damage AND all the defensives. You canā€™t have both. Nerf Ele NOW

Cry harder

Lol what.

Why are you worried about non max level damage?

Do you also ask for specs to be nerfed if lvl 30 balance is off?

Evokers should be very careful about drawing too much attention to themselves when calling for nerfs.

Ele hasnā€™t been this strong sinceā€¦ever? Itā€™s about time the spec wasnā€™t left in the trash, even if itā€™s just for a few weeks until mages and locks inevitably becomes the golden children again.


Itā€™s prepatch lol. You have to be a real homer to call for game tuning and nerfs to a class who waited ages for a rework in a prepatch ā€¦before the expac the rework was made and tested in is even released.

Weā€™re a about to go from being OP ilvl wise with max stats due to it being the end of an expac with end of expac gear. All our secondary stats that we have at 30%, 40%, 50% are about to go down to like 15-25% with S1 TWW gear. Donā€™t you think this along with hero talents will drastically affect the balance of most classes?


says the paladin :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:give this guy a wheelchair


you do not have the worst defensesā€¦seriously?

Let me have some fun before WW drops.

Before the addition of that new totem weā€™ve had pretty bare bones defense.

Itā€™s looking better after the changes, but in general, shamans have been pretty squishy historically.

Yes but sadly that new totem on the beta is now a 3 minute cooldown so totemic recall wonā€™t work on it.

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Been watching a lot of high ranked streams lately and ele is absolutely cracked. Even the streamers are laughing and telling everyone to make eles.

What other totems are good for that skill now? I guess windrush? Maybe tremor or Grounding for pvp?

But with the 3 minute change, it makes totemic recall much less enticing.

I donā€™t know yet. Might have to keep it or use those two points in totemic recall and call of the elements for something else in the shaman tree. Will have to wait and see.

Recall Wind Rush/Poison/Tremor
Could see niche use of Creation Core in M+ to reset both Capacitor + Healing Stream Totem for Mythic Plus? Though not sure Healing Stream Totem is even worth taking as Eleā€“HST does stack though