Ele best legendary very unclear?

Glad rating Ele Legendarys are all over the place. Seen Skybreakers, Sephuz ( Orc) , Windspeaker, Elemental Equilibrium, etc. Aint nobody got time to farm out all of those which is the actual best one?

Depends on comp and play style. This is actually a good thing, it means the legendaries are fairly balanced. If you play orc, sephuz is strong for every tankie class because it stacks with your racial.

I like Windspeakers for the extra finisher. Won me several games, I’m not a Glad but I am glad…

overall i feel that windspeakers has felt the best, its the most consistent in pumping out burst.

skybreakers requires a long game for it to matter, and equil is good but its too hard to set up and use properly in my opinion

windspeakers is kinda mindless and just overall the most fun for me

I wish all classes had this type of diversity when it came to viable legendaries