Elder Bellowrage

so i was trying to collect

Coin of Ancestry : https://www.wowhead.com/item=21100/coin-of-ancestry

one of the elder which is located in Blasted Land coord: 54.3, 49.5

i flew there but theres no elder?
anyone know if its a bug or something? or perhaps i need to do a quest in order for it to show up?

would appreciate any help, ty

Blasted Lands is one of several areas with an Elder in it that is affected by phasing, meaning they re-used the area for higher level quests, but the Elder is only in the original phase.

You can find Zidormi on a hill near the north exit from Blasted Lands to Swamp of Sorrows. She will let you phase BL back to the original phase and the Elder will be there. She should be around in the other similarly affected areas too. She is marked on the map with a speech bubble.

ok thank you much

Any luck? I spoke with Zidormi and have checked both the past and present and I still can’t find Bellowrage.

Is there a quest that perhaps you need to do first to make him appear? In the present, I do see the spotlight that a lot of the other Elders have, but he’s not there – just some other NPCS.

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For some reason, I couldn’t see the “!” for his quest on my map when I did that one, but he was there at the dark portal when in the past phase. Try doing a /tar elder to find him.

wait till you get to the wintergrasp one that your faction has to control to get to