I think we might have been part of the groups that were helping Pallys get their charger back in the day : ). I was LANman prot pally. It was such a fond memory when groups of all pallys teamed up to help each other burn through the pally mount chain.
In classic I was:
TimEnchanter - human fire mage (summon fire with OUT flint OR tinder)
LANman - human prot pally always prot
Citrus - draenei ele shammy always ele at the end of classic
Citrus renamed to IONcannon : )
Stared old guild named Fiery Wrath (still exists but mostly ghost town on Eitrigg)
Many friends from Eitrigg transferred when the server collapsed after BC maybe? A number of us transferred back to Eitrigg because it was our home : ).
We did a lot of ZG, AQ & MC pugs with other guilds in classic. I see a lot of names and guilds I remember.
Does anyone remember ENDER? I was never in it but man that was a big guild lol.
Mordichai here
Played in CoA up until we opened the AQ gates and a little AQ
Looking for Sliverstein, the mage team lead when we first formed the guild and my arch nemisis druid from horde side
Anyone else I can’t remember hit me up this is the character I’m playing in classic
what’s up?
Name is Mynnas a night elf druid. I was co-guild leader of circle of tyranny and before that legion of oblivion. I have switched to the horde because i never tried it out when I originally played. I am on the Thunderfury server with the same name but a troll mage now. If you know me, come find me!!
I was in CoA! my names were Malfuron, Franknbeans, Xenosniper. NE druid. Switched multiple times. I loved lornya, but her hubby klep the worst rogue can get bent. Karth was a beast warrior. oh man the nostalgia. i eventually said fuggem and joined Omega Elite Clan. Luke i hope you find this.
I tried to join HoD for awhile, no bite. ROFFLECOPTER i miss you fam love.
Hey Rochan,
Valadon (human priest) here. Hope things are well. Madman#1146, hit me up.
Hey Bish, Hope things are going well!
Valadon here (your holy priest through Kara). Madman#1146, hit me up.
Hey Volt!
Hope things are going well. Valadon (holy priest) here. Madman#1146, hit me up.
1 Like
i remember you! was Malfuron, NE druid. also Geitz and lol. him zion and I were always hanging out. man reading these names is blowing my mind. Cereal!!! the human priest, awesome dude
Grozni, its Malfuron, we were the druids of the pact for mc/bwl days and ill never forgive you for getting the stormrage helm over me bc i couldnt make the raid that week lmao. think I stayed 7/8 forever
This is Nefthys, I played with the original Runefire until level 80. Hunter. Has anyone else found you? Like Tarenskull?
Wrym, Malc and Nocs. Nice! Hiyas!
Mega Pog reading all these throwback names!!
Vazaras - human rogue here! Going for the rogue T3 dream.
Old guilds: Wandering Alliance / CoA
These guilds are responsible for sabotaging my virgin ears at youth. Went from a 13y old with an ego to a 28y old with a bigger ego.
@Fero, I’m an adult no more raising tone at me Tainee still run the bodega?
@Dday, Lay on Hands is still cheating in duels unless best of 3 ;D.
@Milkymoo, Moo.
@Cgull, name rings a bell. Musta been big CoA dam.
Whitemane supremacy.
Yes that’s me I’m horde on Whitemane now lol
In touch with Diabolical or any of the big pvpers? I wonder if that badgy crew still plays arena.
Yup some of them playing gunna try to grind some pvp see how high of rank I can get, shooting for rank 13.