I remember raiding in that guild on this toon (D-Day) back in classic all the way up and into BC! It was a great guild with plenty of humor to go around.
I probably was Voltaran back then though I could have been on my Rogue Slyden.
Name: Cloudstar
My main, nelf druid, ran around mainly ignoring the actual game and only would equip armor that was “pretty”
Guild: can’t remember
Reconnections: Fearmefool, Rover, anyone else that knew me!
Hadhood night elf hunter
Gloon fellow guild mate night elf warroir also married some one in game night elf priest i believe. also had a friend named lyr night elf rouge real name rain. currently rolling alliance on fairbanks
Hey man! D-Day does sound familiar! How have you been? Remember me at all? I haven’t stopped playing and I’m still playing. Doubt I will ever stop.
Omg I remember you!!!
Munchen - NE Druid, Pick Up Groups during TBC.
Just popping in to say hi, won’t really be playing on US servers this time around.
Slyden actually sounds familiar. Good to see some Reckoning people still around.
Well at least someone had the stones to keep playing! Cata was all it took for me to quit raiding . I made a toon on Stalagg and plan on raiding there as every other pvp realm looks to be over populated already.
Hi Munchen!
Hey Mal! Sure been a long time.
Hey man! I’ve heard a few (Cereal and some others) are rolling horde on Whitemane, I put a toon there just in case!
I’ve heard some of the old PuGs are going to Whitemane, horde side though
Character: Ppaattrriicc
Guild: The Reckoning, Holy Crit
I play a bit still. Nowhere near as much as I would like to. I went horde with some RL friends. Don’t really have time to really play!!
I played Ppaattrriicc. I raided in MC/ZG with them. I remember Ktrain was a hunter class lead. I remember a few other people. Kadina the priest and her husband Inigo the rouge, Anakin the hunter. I had a lot of fun then with the worst internet ever.
Damn so you’ve been done for quite some time. I still enjoy the raiding in this game, that’s the only thing that keeps me going on retail. The other aspects of the game I just deal with it in order to raid. I am going on Pagle since I hate PvP personally. Good luck over there!
Dang I remember the name Kadina, I still talk to a couple of people I met in The Reckoning occasionally, Clarion, and Icth. Had a lot of fun with that guild before it disbanded. I think you might have been in the guild a bit before my time though, I don’t think I joined til late mc/early zg progress for the guild.
Dacodo, Here (the only person that insisted affliction was the only way to play a lock
Contemplating jumping in for a bit as well (hey Lemma :))
Hey! We “unconventional” types need to stick together. Find me another Arc/fire mage that liked to tank 5 mans. Haha. I set up along w/ the hubs on Mankirk…
And I was just thinking about you and whether you’re going to play on NA. Figures honestly.