Name: Lauger (Rogue)
Original Guild: Cross Of Vengeance
Whats up! I’m still playing look me up on bnet swiftc28#1571
Name: Lauger (Rogue)
Original Guild: Cross Of Vengeance
Whats up! I’m still playing look me up on bnet swiftc28#1571
Name: Lerial
Guild: Cross of Vengeance
Still Playing and still razzing Lauger! Btag Eilistra#1194
Tillis, Human Mage.
Cross of Vengeance.
Hey Lauger and Lerial, how are things.
Hey Envec. I ran into spitachi in a random LFR during WoD, but lost touch with him. I would love to see if Cereal is still around.
Tillis ya we are still playing. Not as active as we used too… but i’m looking forward to playing in classic again actually. Only COV I now that is still playing was Serea. She is still on eirigg as far as I know.
Dartagnan, Human Warrior
The Brigade
Looking for Brego, Jamethan, Wifey
hey beo and moon. i remember you guys. add me on btag Gxsilver#1859
i will be playing classic too. someone pick a server so we can all be on same one.
Name: Girdin - Human - Holy / Ret pally
Guild: GFW or Sandbox “dont recall… those might be later expansion guilds”
“I was considered the young kid on the raid team if i was there”
Reconnects: Just putting my name out for anyone looking. Still on Eitrigg / Shu’halo.
Names that ring a bell: Trueguy “old GM”, Tramic, Freeman-NE Hunter, Emillyn- priest, Dyingtrinity - warlock
Best memory in classic: Getting the paladin epic mount out of Scholo thanks to Trueguy and some other guildies.
Name: Talainie - Night elf druid
Guild: Benevolence (I think I really don’t remember it’s been so long)
Reconnects: Just throwing my name out in case anyone recognizes me! Lookin through the posts I see a lot of familiar names so I figured I’d join in. I used to bum around Goldshire a lot, feel free to hit me up if you recognize me from the fence! c:
Characters : Ramonez (NE Rogue) in vanilla switched to Phero (Priest) beginning of BC
Guild : Wandering Alliance
Just wondering if anyone is still out there! Tainee (Warrior), Fero (Priest), and Lotsapots (Druid) are a few names off the top of my head that I can remember.
Hello Stabby… Myrathor and I still talk and kick it bro. hit me up you have mail on moonguard.
Wow blast from the past didn’t expect to see you on here
Ilikepies: Dwarf Hunter
Guilds: Disciples of Drizzt, Schizm, Dirty Dozen
would love to reconnect with anyone I got to group with up through WotLK like Hollyana and Bombarama
Btag: Dusk#1868
Oh man! Lauger Lerial and Tillis! Awesome to see you folks are still playing
hit me up for classic Envec#1595
What’s up Bish?! Did you stay in touch with any of the old gang? A couple of my friends I’ve keep in touch with over the years are playing classic (Zaek ans Adrigon) together. Also bringing some of their friends/family along. We have around 14 people.
Didn’t realize I was logged into a different toon, oops lol
toon: Peebers, Bianchi
guild: CoV
what server?
hey guys!!! GX!!!MOON!!! yeh the wife and I are gonna play on Bloodsail Buccaneers .RP server ill add you both
COVer’s I reserved Lauger on Atiesh, Myzrael and Mankrik. So ya which ever. PEEBS What up you homer!
Names were Theaur, human mage and Elrod, Human warrior raided with the guild but I honestly forget the name of our guild! I was only 14 at the time but would be good catching up so much later in life
Ah man the memories…
Slyden - Rogue
Voltaran - Mage
Guild Eximius
Sup! - Voltaran