Either nerf the fankriss trinket or add it to the reals vendor

i dont understand how the devs are this incredibly incompetent; druids are so OP and combined with the burrowing trinket, they are unstoppable

i sincerely hope they replace these moronic devs it’s embarassing how bad they are at their jobs man


Ain’t no need for the name calling or abuse.

i mean what do you expect when the devs do the most braindead crap like this trinket; i feel like aggrend realized he makes as much as a McDonalds manager so he’s just coasting it until he gets canned honestly




It’s a game man. Relax.

Dots+dispersion= game breaking and requires nerfs

Dots+starfall+burrow= working as intended.


The issue is, I think, Starfall is classed as a ‘player buff’. And it’s the buff that’s ‘casting the spell’. Which is why you can use it and still burrow.

Now why it hasn’t been hotfixed…

Personally, I’d screw with those who used it by making it consume Starfall’s buff. Or make it so if Starfall is active the trinket’s Earthen Shroud (the buff it gives that does the burrowing) is not applied, but the trinket’s CD is triggered.

even better, deep wounds and ignite dont work through burrow and their response was “it has to do with the way the game is coded and we dont have the skill required to fix it so its just how it will be” lol


Easily fixed.

When you burrow the game wipes the dots, and “banks”* the damage based on the remaining time when the burrowing happen. When you surface; BAM! :rofl:

*Make it a debuff…call it Sins of the Coward. Basically, the game would wipe it and give you debuff that when it runs out deals damage to you based on how much damage was left for the dots to do.

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Oh hey good point, SPriests can do this too huh.

Because it is a FUN trinket. Stop trying to remove FUN from the game!


really though make it so starfall gets consumed when you burrow or it “ccs” yourself.

either way it shouldnt work like it does right now.

Wouldn’t it be great if the trinket couldn’t be used while starfall is active. =)

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how bout nou bum. cry more roll higher or just uninstall. meanwhile my boy Leßonngjames is just snipin you bums in cen hold and gets to burrow away and laugh at you crying on a public forum. boutta head to tokyo for my breeders green card on my dads yacht . cry more bum.

Compliment them when they do good, call em out when they do bad. This trinket should disable star fall.

Stop bringing up my Yacht… You know I am not exactly on the best terms with your mother and the IRS…

heh bum, i have two dads. that means 2 yachts. outplayed bum. Meanwhile im typing this on my dads yacht eating some rainbow sherbert laughing at these bums about how upset they are over a trinket while theyre s keying in bgs on their shamans.

My yachts bigger, enjoy the dingy. Besides, we just put another stripper pole up starboard because the old one got worn out.

Had an interesting interaction with the burrow trinket and a Druid in AB today. He popped starfall and I popped wolves, he burrowed and I don’t know where my wolves went but they despawned… like they followed him underground and went to GM island or something.

There’s a very big difference between criticism and abuse. OP was being abusive.