Eggs and plants

bananas are berries too! any fruit produced from a single flower containing one ovary is a botanical berry.


And the winner of Best Topic of 2024 is…“I’m Quitting WoW, You All Suck!” Unfortunately the author no longer plays WoW and is disqualified from winning, so our runner up “Eggs And Plants” is the winner! :trophy: :medal_sports: :trophy: :o2: :parking: :trophy: :medal_sports: :trophy:


The cucumber is a creeping vine plant and has more in common with grapes than other vegetables. And the watermelon is part of the cucumber family, just a new species. My uncle was a produce grocer that owned a small market where I helped when I was a kid for spending money, or Christmas money. I was about 9 or 10 I think. He humored me and just paid me for hanging out, but I learned a lot.

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I could imagine a more predatory plant sorta doing that to make tasty bait for critters.

Or like “ooh oopsie i dropped this snackey wackey. I hope nobody comes over here so I can put my pollen on them. So that my seed is spread from the animal.”