Efflorescence Timer Missing

After 10.2 update, the timer for efflorescence (druid heal) which used to display under my name plate, disappeared. I can’t figure out how to get it back. Can anyone help?


I’m running into this bug as well. It’s proving to be extremely frustrating. I tried it on two different resto druids, two different accounts and two different computers to make sure it wasn’t on my client side. Still no luck :frowning: Seems like not a lot of people are reporting on it either. I only found one or two other posts on it.

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Okay I’m just glad someone else confirmed that I’m not the only one! lol I feel validated now!

Anyway, I can’t figure out how to get it back. I suspect many are not complaining because they’re using weak auras for the efflorescence timer. While this probably works just fine, I prefer to play on my laptop which means limited oomph and my poor little laptop can only handle so many addons. I already have too many so I don’t want to add another.

It’s incredibly frustrating, though. If I’m the only rdruid in the raid, or group, I can rest assured the green circle is mine. However, if there are other rdruids in the group it takes too much focus to figure out whether it’s mine or theirs. I do also go by the buffs on those I’m healing but those are only 5 second bursts and again, takes more concentration to figure it out then it’s worth. I wonder if we should start putting in tickets for it?

Efflorescence Is no longer a totem and now a buff so it isn’t a bug. You can make a weak aura to track it as I see no small addons to track it atm.

oh no! that’s terrible news! thank you for letting me know.