How is everyone doing their farming? Do most of you just have specific things you want?
I would like to collect a lot more of everything. Its daunting though.
Achievements are challenging though. For example in Ulduar. I tried doing Nerf Scrapbots and the one where you need Razorscale to kill dwarves with his flame breath. It seems like achievements like this need bosses in certain conditions which usually requires bringing health low enough. With my level 50 druid for example…naked she one shots everything. The only alternative I currently see to this issue is to level an alt to 40ish.
Res sickness has been nerfed. Buffed really but for my purposes, nerfed. Its a 1 minute debuff so you cant get it to do these achievements. Foam sword does not work.
How are people getting achievements like these? My best solution is leveling an alt at this point but I am open to ideas.
Also I want to collect as many appearances as possible. Mounts and pets too etc but mainly achieves and appearances currently. Druid seems like the most consistent option in terms of speed. Are there any other things I could do to get through raids faster to complete a run of all bosses?
Currently I just use ATT and the improved tooltip it provides to clear raids but if anyone has some good settings that can improve visibility I would love to hear about that too. I usually just run alts hitting all the bosses except where I can get an achieve and I try to get that done also unless its problematic.
I am mainly trying to be as efficient as I can be, specifically with time and throwing this topic out there for others who might have figured out better methods than I currently use.