All addons are disabled, edit mode won’t save.
Disabling addons is not the same as a UI reset, but to check are you saving as a default, or creating a new profile to save as?
I have reset the UI, deleted cache and WTF folders, etc. I can’t make a new one as it only allows 5, just trying to save under the one I have been all along - my hunter.
I had problems using the default (modern or classic) preset layouts. If I did, they didn’t save.
Here’s what worked for me:
Open Edit Mode. At the Layout dropdown at the top, select NEW LAYOUT. Name that layout something unique, click SAVE, and close Edit Mode, log out of game to make sure your settings are saved then log back in. The reason you do this is because the WoW folder has a saved variables file and those edits are not saved to that file until you log out and in.
Reopen Edit Mode, make sure to choose your newly named layout at the dropdown menu. Make all of your edits, and click SAVE. Again, log out of game and then back in to make sure your edits are saved to the saved variables file in WoW.
I also unchecked SNAP at the top of the page because it kept wanting to link bars and panels together which made them harder to move or resize exactly how I wanted. Turning on GRID helps you align things more precisely.
You can then use this layout across all characters or make new layouts for each character. For example, my Resto Druid uses a different layout than my Hunter.
Or, if making your own layouts is more than you need, Wowhead came up with a layout that makes your UI look as close to the old UI as possible. The link below provides an import string with step by step instructions to make it easy to do in just a couple of clicks.
Keep Raid Frames and Boss Frames turned on during Edit Mode, don’t disable them until Blizzard fixes the bug they introduced in the November 28 hotfix.