ED Character Profiles 2018

Name: Amlo
Title: Dark Cleric
Occupation: Mercenary, Cleric, Cleanser
Affiliation: The Forsaken
Alignment: Lawful Absolute

BRIEF Description:

Once a pious priest fated to succumb to the scourge, Amlo rose like any other fallen priest of Lordaeron. After years of being disciplined and guided in Holy Light, Amlo found himself reborn into Dark Energy. This priest learned to adapt to this new darkness without forgetting his roots. Through his life he has perfected the balance of light and dark. With Light, he has guided the ignorant, mended the comrade, and smitten the adversary. His Darkness reserved to cleanse Azeroth of those who stubbornly persist to contend Him.

He has come to Emerald Dream to make sure it remains exactly that to the Alliance - a dream.
Name: Mathion Dawn-Breaker
Title: Highlord
Occupation: Blood Knight, Paladin of the Silver Hand
Affiliation: Silvermoon, The light, The Horde (saurfang supporter), The Legion (guild).
Alignment: Lawful good, as a paladin should be.
Brief description: Mathion and his daughter were the only survivors of his bloodline after the sacking of Silvermoon. After the sunwell was purified, He returned to the faith, and vowed never again to forsake the light. Through great tribulation, and great loss, he rose from the ashes, like the sacred bird of his people. He will avenge the injustices done to his people, he will be the embodiment of justice.

Hail Tact!

Name: Lohkawas Wildmane
Title: Editor-in-Chief
Occupation: Newspaper Editor and Peacenik
Affiliation: Redwood Times
Alignment: Lawful Good

BRIEF Description: Lohk is a Highmountain Shu’halo from what used to be a pleasant valley called Sepulcher in the Sky. He made many friends as both Horde and Alliance came to Highmountain to defend against the Legion. His older and only sibling saved their Tribe from a nightmarish threat while Lohk was still a youngling. Lohk will always try to live up to his memory and is currently very conflicted about the war and the huge sword sticking out of the ground in Silithus. But he will always be loyal to his Tribe and to his Mate, Mokalyn.


Almost time for a new one of these



Start it up Captain! 2019 is fast approaching!


Name: Baboso Anviltamer
Title: None
Occupation: Hunter
Affiliation: The Alliance
Alignment: Chaotic Good

BRIEF Description: Having recently joined the Alliance, Baboso Anviltamer grew a liking to the Night Elves. Ultimately he had given up blacksmithing, and taken up his current occupation: caring for wildlife and scouting for The Alliance.

When not working for The Alliance, he can be found in the forests.
He can be pety, stubborn and closed minded.


Soon ™
