Titles: Prince of Dark Delights, Lord of Excess, Prince of Chaos, She who Thirsts
Occupation: A transient avatar projection of a chaos god, from a separate shard of the multiverse. Exploring Azeroth and its outlying realms for a brief time in his/her search for souls.
Affiliation: Pleasure, Passion, Excess, Decadence
Alignment: Fluid and ever changing. [Insert clip of Shoot to Thrill by AC/DC; accompany audio clip with a rose impaling a succulent peach, doused in prometheum and about to be lit ablaze by a feral pack of eldar witches]
BRIEF Description: The Warp is a wild and intangible thing, its boundaries limitless. Occasionally its tendrils extend beyond the scope it is generally thought to encompass by mortals of the Imperium, reaching new avenues. At the moment, such a tendril has landed gently, violently on Azeroth, heralding my coming. In essence, Slaanesh is on vacation and this backwater is his island getaway.
Name: Strongbow Title: The Noble Savage Home: Jungles of Feralas Occupation: Warden of the Ashen Vale Alignment: Chaotic Good
Description: Well traveled and learned, Strongbow falsely projects the stereotype of a truly feral Kaldorei. He speaks with the old tongue of Zin Ashari and pretends to not understand Common when in the company of strangers.
Strongbow serves as a bodyguard to the Emissaries of the Ashen Vale and normally escorts the ambassadors on their missions as they try to make inroads with the Alliance.
Name: Kelixi Flamespark Title: Firecracker, flame keeper Occupation: Jewelcrafter, designer, fire dancer, troupe promoter Affiliation: She's relatively neutral these days - easier for business Alignment: Chaotic good
BRIEF Description: Kel's main focus is the traveling entertainment troupe she goes around with. Moving from place to place, she performs as a firebreather/dancer at their nighttime shows, augmenting this with her slight ability over fire magic. Her days are spent in the closest settlement, hanging around chatting in taverns, and handing out flyers. Fond of bright colours, she uses her spare time to design and craft jewellery; usually rings and earrings, formed from colourful gemstones that she 'sources' from a certain goblin rogue. While she has a passing interest in engineering, she only really knows enough to maintain her small, robotic rabbit (Pl00), who she seems to be rather fond of.
((Also, what the butts is up with my avatar-bob on here? Yikes))
Name: Jarleon "Jar" Bloodtotem Title: Mercenary Occupation: Mercenary, tinkerer, man-about-town Affiliation: Whoever has the coin Alignment: Chaotic neutral
BRIEF Description: Once it became clear to him what the Bloodtotems (aka Feltotems) had allied with he decided to hoof it and make his own way. Time to moove out. Get it?
The Highmountain elders had thrown in with the Horde so that was a good place to start looking. "Gotta take the good with the bad" was in his mind - Horde has some dubious undead "things" and a Warchief that seems totally evil, but the Orcs and Mulgore cow-cousins seem like something he can work with. Still deciding on the tiny long-ears.
While touring the new (to him) lands outside of Highmountain he ran into the mercs from The Emboldened and that was that.
Brief description: Stichess the Sly is a dangerous assassin that has made a career of killing select targets in the name of the Forsaken people. He is a master poison maker and considers it an art form. Speaking to his vials as if they was his children. He has developed so many different poisons of his own design he has won respect among the apothcaries in the undercity.
Name: ImpƦl Title: The Winters Sword Occupation: Sell Sword,Assassin,Informant Affiliation: The Horde, The Syndicate, Those who have conquered death Alignment: Lawful Evil
BRIEF Description: ImpƦl was not born but risen. Betrayed by the humans he once was and thrown to his death from the very ships he protected he felt himself slipping away. But something happened that was not expected a demon by the name of Balnazzar had saved him and granted him something other than life a conqueror of death. You see his memories were still intact and his rage to extract revenge was so strong it reminded him of a pulse. ImpƦl turned to the side that didn't shun him away and promised to one day Rid the world of the alliance.
Name: Aglaica Bradley Title: --None-- Age: 60? Affiliation: Coldridge Company Job: Book Keeping; Inventory; Merchant
Alignment: To the company
Descrip: Grey hair pulled back tight, burnscars from years of battle against the dragonkin of Duskwallow Marsh. Lost husband, son and daughter in Destruction of Theramore.
Name: Nawat Title: None currently Occupation: Soldier (Shaman in training) Affiliation: Emboldened, The Horde Age: Youngish Alignment: Neutral Good (general do gooder that's alright with the ends justify the means)
Description: Previously a soldier of the horde. Quickly climbed the ranks during the fight against the lich King mostly due to staying alive while the leadership didn't. Was demoted after some questionable decisions. Ended up leaving the army to join the Darkspear Resistance. Is currently a mercenary with Emboldened due to the lack of confidence in current leadership of the horde.
Bill Cutting is a former career Pirate who is renown for his thirst for blood and great aptitude for violence. Despite having lead a very successful life of Piracy, Bill has become prone to sea sickness which proved to be quite problematic for someone involved in such a trade.
Bill has since taken his talents from the Sea's to the Streets, where he has continued doing what he does best. His knack for brutality and tactful mind have caught the attention of Ramborc and the Outlaw Motorcycle Club known as the Hellscreams Angels.
He has since risen through the ranks of the club and has established himself as Ramborc's Sergeant at Arms.
Name: Dorathia Spellsong Title: Grand Arcanist Occupation: Arcane and Mystical Researcher for the Magistrix of Silvermoon City Affiliation: Leader of Sunfury Sanctum Alignment: Lawful Evil
BRIEF Description: A deceptively gracious and slender figure in both appearance and bearing, Dora presents herself as an inconsequential Magistrix. However, her flaring, bright golden eyes tell another tale, reinforcing her calculating attentiveness, vast knowledge and an almost matronly concern for her people. She is not outwardly striking in beauty and splendor, but neither does she lack a semblance of these traits entirely. Rather, her full lips and heartfelt, mirthful smile offer an appealing combination to pique interest and draw in those she wishes to manipulate and use to her own ends and the betterment of the High Kingdom.
Name: Arashicage 'Axe the Cruel' Hellscream Title: Warchief of the Horde, Blademaster of WSB, and loremaster of WOW. Occupation: Alliance executioner, warrior, neckbeard, lumberjack Affiliation: Warsong Clan, The True Horde, Kor'kron Elite, WSB Alignment: Chaotic Good
BRIEF Description: At the battle of Hinterlands, Arashicage was unleashed on the warbringers, and WSB won the war.
Vaaxe is part of a wealthy mercantile family of Kul Tiras. She was schooled in the arts of politics and intrigue. Her talents have been used to sabotage the fortunes of other mercantile families to expand the wealth and power of her family's holdings.
As part of family tradition, Vaaxe has enlisted with the Kul Tiras Marines to serve for the requisite period of time.
Name: Misthra Title: the Voiceless Occupation: Sellsword Affiliation: Herself above all Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
BRIEF Description: Misthra always preferred spells over people. Raised by scholars, she never spoke a single word, nobody knows why. After the fall of silvermoon, with the destruction of her home, she started her journey as a sellsword.
Name: Turun Title: Grand Hierarch Occupation: The Voice of Tact Affiliation: The Lord Tact, the Church of Tact Alignment: Lawful Good, of course!
BRIEF Description: I saw the Lord Tact ascend into the heavens, and he gave me one commandment: spill the blood of Azeroth, and preach my Truth to all. To that end, I have founded the One True Religion of the One True New God of Azeroth. At one point, the Church spread across much of Azeroth, even having its own standing army. Now, the Lord Tact's Church has been relegated to a campground in Elwynn Forest, but we shall return stronger than ever!
Name: Acialga Embercast Title: Occupation: Explorer, Mercenary Affiliation: Moiraās Dark Iron, Alliance by proxy, Coldridge Company Alignment: no clue
BRIEF Description: Dark Iron explorer, tends to be a bit skittish when in social situations with non dwarves, still harbor some disdain towards most alliance races, but slowly working past it to see the world outside of Blackrock mountain.